Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Shanks: Has been in the series since chapter 1, is the idol of the MC and the reason why Luffy became a pirate, and is portrayed as reaching the pinnacle of Haki usage

Mid: Filler character that Oda came up with on a whim while writing Sabaody

One Piece fans: “Hmm I wonder who’s gonna win?”
He already lost once. This battle is there to proof how much he has grown.
For some ..it’s an act of respect to your enemy and kindness.


it’s different this time !! We’re talking about lucci here … the one who wanted to kidnap Robin TWICE !!! And tried to kill them just a while ago!!
Luffy: "Why should I free you? You took Robin and tried to kill us!":blobevil:

Lucci: "I'm sorry, can you free us now?":pepeshy:

Luffy: "Sure why not, you did say sorry!":pepelit:
Kings base body is no different than regular flesh. It's only when he turns on his flames, that his durability spikes drastically. So what happens when a person whose base body is steel, and they turn on the flames? The durability of their steel body spikes drastically.
Zoro's attack failed to cut non-flame mode King's wing and face.

Why you trying to apply real world logic to fictional piece of work?
the title is most likely linked to shanks drinking with the giants, there are a lots of theories speculating that shanks is connected to elbaf
the big fleet hint maybe is for the marine fleet finally arriving to egghead
So it means that we know more about Shanks if the title of the chapter is "Old Friend" and Shanks is connected to Elbaf.
It means that the hype is for that.
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