Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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rob lucci and kaku didn’t use full power on SSG robots . Not even awaking form . Even kaku is in base form.
‘Even Luffy use gear fourth while zoro didn’t use best attack moves.
Can you tell what are fanservice in this summary ? I am open to that
Bro kaku in base form attacking with zoro ?
And lucci with g4 luffy ? It's clearly to make some fans happy^^

I will even enjoy that scene. You don't agree ?
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She might've just not known or they weren't cool at the time she planned Lola's wedding
That makes for a poor narrative excuse. Oda should've know what he was setting up. The only way I, dumb reader who has no knowledge of the backstories, can see it is: Loki is trying a coup d'etat against the old Giant regime which supports Shanks, and Big Meme's army would've been enough to garner him more support.
I'm telling you, Kidd will join Shanks, either as ally or even crewmate. Both are gingers. Kidd has done the giants a favor. Shanks likes new gens who can stand up for themselves. I predict a greater threat will attack Elbaf and Kidd and Shanks will have a truce to deal with it. Kidd is a big tsundere: he might bitch about it, but he admires those who can kick his ass.
Never. Kid is not someone who would join someone else. Maybe a temporary alliance but that it.
Killer stated something similar before after Luffy punched Kaido which implied he didn't think they can win before seeing Luffy's strength. He's probably just being realistic
Killer is realistic indeed.
Shanks, his whole Crew, his Fleet and the Giants are standing in front of the Victoria Punk.
That's a force that could take on Marineford.
Mission Impossible, you could say.

But, you know, taking on impossible missions is what LEGENDS do.
I don't need context the dialogue is pretty straight forward. But lets agree to disagree. Hearing sounds is not counted as CoO feat according to you when everything in manga shows it does
Context is straightforward. Sanji sensed women the same way Zoro senses sake and Luffy sense meat. It was clearly indicated as CoO feat. Otherwise we do one thing, from now onwards, we attribute every hearing feat to CoO.
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