Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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So this confirms Shanks was indeed after the One Piece all allong
Yet he did not dare go in WCI or Wano while Big Mom and Kaido were alive.
But Aramaki is somehow the one who gets called a coward for saying he wouldn't have come in Wano if Kaido was still there even though he doesn't have any real reason to come in Wano anyway unlike Shanks lol
The double standards and hatred against admirals in this fandom is unbearable
@Elder Lee Hung @MarineHQ @SakazOuki @Blackbeard
Shanks doesn’t care about the One Piece, he’s just pretending to care about it because he knows Luffy wants to fight him as a rival
The fight will be offscreened like Law vs BB. Idk what people are expecting but its not gonna be what they want to see. Oda will instead show us more of Luffy and Zoro running around while waiting for Kizaru to snail crawl his way to Egghead.
I want Shanks to show 1 attack before it's over ...
we are yet to see him be real on screen and close to his target

the fight itself is R rated
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Its about narrative bro. Oda can have shanks use 10% of his powers for example. Did you predicted drunken modes and kaen hakkie for Kaido?
he did that in front of Kizaru in film red
Shanks at 10% is still too much :)

but this is the first time Shanks will fight on screen.
Kid if fucked by hype alone
Oda is "nerfing" Luffy's abilities by boosting Zoro and Sanji's perfomances (it isn't exactly a nerf but this fanbase will treat it like that anyways)

Pre-ts Gear 2 was strong, now it's random

Gear 4 is following the same route apparently. The fact Zoro used Rengoku Onigiri against a similar opponent makes it pretty clear
Shanks doesn’t care about the One Piece, he’s just pretending to care about it because he knows Luffy wants to fight him as a rival
Shanks doesn’t care about the One Piece, he’s just pretending to care about it because he knows Luffy wants to fight him as a rival
nah. The Yonko are super strong but they're cowards. Never want to get into an equal fight. Makes panels like this hit harder. The ambition and spirit of these worst gen members is on a whole different level. Shanks and Whitbeard would never have teamed up to fight Kaido and Big Mom and the WG was shitting them selves. Then these 5 boys roll up to make a name for themselves.
Worst Gen = Best Gen.

Kid haters are too much lol. I had Law > Kid since the TS, and I was always anti-"BM vs. Kid 1 on 1".

But this is clearly Kid's time to shine. He already beat Big Mom, who has a higher bounty than Shanks. It was 2 v. 1, but with ACoC he has room to grow into a 1 v. 1 Yonko battle.
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