Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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You don't wanna tell me
Okay let me ask more people here who are a lot smarter and less biased than you and actually have a Brain


Can Law beat King?
If so how?
No, Law has no advcoc to bypass King lunarian axe power - Law has nothing in his arsenal to end this fight but King has mutiple move that could end law
King high&diff Law

Internal damage aint affecting Lunarian while they keep the flame on
He doesn't have feats yet tho but I guess
Yeah that's the point. The feats are not visible but the author's intentions suggests that current Law is entering into top tier.

This is why I also believe Kidd will be unlocking adcoc if not already possessing. Or Oda would probably give him an island level feat.

Given how Law was shown to replicate Kaido and Big Mom by overpowering a DF ability with just haki, Kidd will likely show something in a similar range
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