Character Discussion Which two are better characters? Shanks and Blackbeard or Kaido and Big Mom?

R1:Which two are better chars?/R2:Which u like more?/R3:Which are more iconic?/R4:Which are stronger

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Its almost like 2 of them were created when there was an ending planned while the other 2 werent a focus until many years later. Fascinating how the original 2 are still around :myman:
Shonen logic

Future opponents of MC are always stronger than previous ones.

Also, Luffy will fight BB for PK and we have seen Pk are put over yonkous
Shanks is not an opponent of Luffy.

Also this shounen logic doesnt work here,

Was Hody stronger than Magellan? No.

Doffy is stronger than Cracker.

Enel wouldve smoked most of the enemies Luffy fought after him,etc.

Also of course BB will end up stronger but we saw him right now, and he is not there yet.

I am speaking about right now, BB is not stronger than Kaido right now. Not with what he has shown.
The main character literally disagrees with this thought process lol. Weird how it keeps getting repeated.
He said he wants to keep Shanks last but lets not kid ourselves, he doesnt consider Shanks to be an enemy or an antagonist. And as I said, its very likely that BB will deal with Shanks. Heck I feel like its written in the stars themselves.

By the way, even if by some black magic they meet and have a friendly fight. Because it wont be to the death. Him 1vs1ing Shanks is not gonna put Shanks over Kaido since the later was a huge group effort.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Shanks is not an opponent of Luffy.

Also this shounen logic doesnt work here,

Was Hody stronger than Magellan? No.

Doffy is stronger than Cracker.

Enel wouldve smoked most of the enemies Luffy fought after him,etc.

Also of course BB will end up stronger but we saw him right now, and he is not there yet.

I am speaking about right now, BB is not stronger than Kaido right now. Not with what he has shown.
Thing is both BB and shanks enjoy more hype than Kaido and BM.

They had been around from the beginning and was brought up by oda time and time again doing something.

Shanks might not be Luffy's fight but he is Oda's poster boi.

BB is PK level opponent for Luffy. It goes without saying they will be stronger.

Also, nor BB and Shanks went all out. BB vs law got off panelled the moment BB was about to use yami.
He said he wants to keep Shanks last but lets not kid ourselves, he doesnt consider Shanks to be an enemy or an antagonist. And as I said, its very likely that BB will deal with Shanks. Heck I feel like its written in the stars themselves.

By the way, even if by some black magic they meet and have a friendly fight. Because it wont be to the death. Him 1vs1ing Shanks is not gonna put Shanks over Kaido since the later was a huge group effort.
Characters in stories do not look at each other and say "you are an antagonist" lol. Shanks is competeting for One Piece, and thus is an antagonist already to Luffy, as is he an antagonist to Kid, as is Blackbeard is an antagonist to Law.

Luffy even told Ace they'd have to fight for real if Ace was going after One Piece for WB. Its that simple. Its not a "friendly" fight. That shit does not exist in this story, and Ive never understood why people act like it does
Thing is both BB and shanks enjoy way more hype than Kaido and BM.
Not true in Kaidos case, he has as much hype as Shanks if not more sometimes. The man is dead and he still gets hyped (GB,etc.)

They had been around from the beginning and was brought up by oda time and time again.
Of course.

Shanks might not be Luffy's fight but he is Oda's poster boi.
I have Shanks at the same level as Kaido, weaker by a tiny tiny marging. Which is basically how the man himself (Kaido) views him( Shanks). Someone that can give him the fight of his life.

BB is PK level opponent for Luffy. It goes without saying they will be stronger.
Yeah but Im talking currently fam, its obvious that BB is still transitioning. He started out at 2b and is now almost 4b, now he will have to do something crazy to justify his PK level status. Imo that will be beating Shanks and his crew. It seems clear enough.

Also, nor BB and Shanks went all out. BB vs law got off panelled the moment BB was about to use yami.
Yeah sure but BM literally floored both Kid and Law and had them at her mercy, their crews were crying and begging her not to kill them. Same Law crew is fighting and doing well against BBs crew.

Im just saying that its obvious BB still is growing as we speak. Once He beats Shanks then he will reach his final power level imo.

Characters in stories do not look at each other and say "you are an antagonist" lol. Shanks is competeting for One Piece, and thus is an antagonist already to Luffy, as is he an antagonist to Kid, as is Blackbeard is an antagonist to Law.
You know what I mean, he will not go at Shanks at co with the same energy as against villains he fought before. Its just not gonna happen. Thats in the very unlikely event that they meet.

Luffy even told Ace they'd have to fight for real if Ace was going after One Piece for WB. Its that simple. Its not a "friendly" fight. That shit does not exist in this story, and Ive never understood why people act like it does
If they fight its gonna be a Davy back fight imo. Would be perfect.

Anyways, you ignored my other points twice now. Im gonna assume you have conceded them.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Not true in Kaidos case, he has as much hype as Shanks if not more sometimes. The man is dead and he still gets hyped (GB,etc.)

Of course.

I have Shanks at the same level as Kaido, weaker by a tiny tiny marging. Which is basically how the man himself (Kaido) views him( Shanks). Someone that can give him the fight of his life.

Yeah but Im talking currently fam, its obvious that BB is still transitioning. He started out at 2b and is now almost 4b, now he will have to do something crazy to justify his PK level status. Imo that will be beating Shanks and his crew. It seems clear enough.

Yeah sure but BM literally floored both Kid and Law and had them at her mercy, their crews were crying and begging her not to kill them. Same Law crew is fighting and doing well against BBs crew.

Im just saying that its obvious BB still is growing as we speak. Once He beats Shanks then he will reach his final power level imo.

You know what I mean, he will not go at Shanks at co with the same energy as against villains he fought before. Its just not gonna happen. Thats in the very unlikely event that they meet.

If they fight its gonna be a Davy back fight imo. Would be perfect.

Anyways, you ignored my other points twice now. Im gonna assume you have conceded them.
Law defeated BM (yeah with help from kids ) but he grew stronger since then and the moment be saw BB his first instinct was to escape.

Yes, Law did pretty well but BB still came out better tanking his second best attack while on air and didn't even use yami or possible third df.

Kaido was strong and I won't take this from him but he is past now. Shanks and BB started to get focus so Oda is planning them next on the cards.

And, let keep BB aside - let me tell you - when shanks time will come you will see true wank and how much oda loves him g just this intro chapter and we got badass walk and fanboyism.
Not true in Kaidos case, he has as much hype as Shanks if not more sometimes. The man is dead and he still gets hyped (GB,etc.)

Of course.

I have Shanks at the same level as Kaido, weaker by a tiny tiny marging. Which is basically how the man himself (Kaido) views him( Shanks). Someone that can give him the fight of his life.

Yeah but Im talking currently fam, its obvious that BB is still transitioning. He started out at 2b and is now almost 4b, now he will have to do something crazy to justify his PK level status. Imo that will be beating Shanks and his crew. It seems clear enough.

Yeah sure but BM literally floored both Kid and Law and had them at her mercy, their crews were crying and begging her not to kill them. Same Law crew is fighting and doing well against BBs crew.

Im just saying that its obvious BB still is growing as we speak. Once He beats Shanks then he will reach his final power level imo.

You know what I mean, he will not go at Shanks at co with the same energy as against villains he fought before. Its just not gonna happen. Thats in the very unlikely event that they meet.

If they fight its gonna be a Davy back fight imo. Would be perfect.

Anyways, you ignored my other points twice now. Im gonna assume you have conceded them.
Bro, them meeting has been hyped in this story since chapter 1 and periodically since then. It is absolutely happening.

The only instance of a "friendly" fight occuring in this series was Roger and Whitebeard and they were equals, so it did not matter.

You are also assuming you know Shanks' prime motivations for anything. For all we know, it could get dark pretty quick, considering his association with the Gorosei.

And why do people always bring up a Davvy Back Fight like it has any weight or bearing to an argument lmao.

And no, im ignoring the whole powerscaling logic. I could care less about it because in the end Kaido is irrelevant to the remaining story.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Bro, them meeting has been hyped in this story since chapter 1 and periodically since then. It is absolutely happening.

The only instance of a "friendly" fight occuring in this series was Roger and Whitebeard and they were equals, so it did not matter.

You are also assuming you know Shanks' prime motivations for anything. For all we know, it could get dark pretty quick, considering his association with the Gorosei.

And why do people always bring up a Davvy Back Fight like it has any weight or bearing to an argument lmao.

And no, im ignoring the whole powerscaling logic. I could care less about it because in the end Kaido is irrelevant to the remaining story.
Shs most likely go to Elbaf next before Laugh tale

So, do you think shanks will stay at Elabaf or will depart from there? If latter then where?
Shs most likely go to Elbaf next before Laugh tale

So, do you think shanks will stay at Elabaf or will depart from there? If latter then where?
Well, he was already intending on leaving, so I doubt he'll be there when Luffy is there. Imo, Fullalead (if we go there) and Elbaf will have less to do with BB/Shanks (outside of some characterization) and more to do with other characters involved.

I still think the main encoutners for these 2 are at Lodestar/Laugh Tale, at or around the same time. To what capacity, i have no idea, but if they beat Law and Kid respectively, then ideally thats what happens. Personally I cant see BB and Shanks having an offscreen fight unless it leads to nothing. Luffy needs to be involved if it happens because both encounters are important to the story. If not, then its just final encounters with both separately, but not at Fullalead/Elbaf.
Law defeated BM (yeah with help from kids ) but he grew stronger since then and the moment be saw BB his first instinct was to escape.
How strong did he grow if any? Like the arc just ended and he sailed and met BB right after. Lets not make him out to me that much stronger than back then if any.

Yes, Law did pretty well but BB still came out better tanking his second best attack while on air and didn't even use yami or possible third df.
Of course.

Kaido was strong and I won't take this from him but he is past now. Shanks and BB started to get focus so Oda is planning them next on the cards.
Kaido isnt past though cause he keeps getting referenced and hyped after death. Oda wont go against the stuff he said about Kaido.

BB will be stronger, but not right now.

And, let keep BB aside - let me tell you - when shanks time will come you will see true wank and how much oda loves him g just this intro chapter and we got badass walk and fanboyism.
Lmao Kaidos intro he dropped from the sky, he can wank shanks but I mean that doesnt mean hell be stronger than Kaido since he himself fought Shanks and thought Shanks can fight him, not beat him.
I gave shanks and BB every round except the last. Kaidou and Big mom were almost cannonly the two strongest in the verse. As character they were terrible but with alot of potential. Though BB and Shanks are way more iconic. They would be who you showed if you said show me some pirately looking pirates in One Piece.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
How strong did he grow if any? Like the arc just ended and he sailed and met BB right after. Lets not make him out to me that much stronger than back then if any.

Of course.

Kaido isnt past though cause he keeps getting referenced and hyped after death. Oda wont go against the stuff he said about Kaido.

BB will be stronger, but not right now.

Lmao Kaidos intro he dropped from the sky, he can wank shanks but I mean that doesnt mean hell be stronger than Kaido since he himself fought Shanks and thought Shanks can fight him, not beat him.
Here he implies it

That he learnt it during fight with BM.

We will see lol


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Yeah I know that panel. He is basically just using more Haki is all. Its not stronger.

"our clashes with emperors taught me"

He learnt to use haki to counter df from his fight with BM which means now he has better control over haki -----> stronger 🤷