ESC - Who shall win?

  • Entry 1

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 3

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Entry 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 5

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 6

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Entry 7

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 8

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 9

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Entry 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 11

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Entry 12

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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@Ekkologix @Destroya

so you've been hosting a few games already

we have 32 players,

serial killer - rion
cult leader - apollo
prob neutral indie - psychic
wouldn't be surprised if another neutral indie - kagu (?)

2 mafia teams

if we assumed there's no other indies, how many mafia members each team should have to make it somewhat balanced?
Well considering town doesn't feel too loaded this game, if there were five wolves each, we're looking at 12/32 players being harmful, it could be a lot. But also having only four wolves with twenty eight other players potentially gunning for your head seems like a small team. Probably say there's five wolves each, two harmful Indies, two neutral Indies.


Certified Memelord
ratio is similar to arcane except town can revive and mafia can have more extra kills with the poisons or wounds

also doesn't seem town has vigs?

and cult gets what seems to be a guaranteed recruit for every 2 dead mafia, so that's 4 recruits for 8 dead mafia

4 members per team seems most probable
D4 Lynch - Raging Weather!


This forum is retarded.
Raging Weather!

As the dusk slowly sets and dark clouds engulf the land, Weebs have been for once been forced to fight the calamities roaming the world. Just a few old grudges had to be settled before a new dawn will arrive to the Weebs. Now it means: get as many fellow Weebs through this Apocalypse as possible, so Isekai Town can once and for all been brought back!

@Nessos [Raiden Shogun] has been lynched!

"Fear me, as you shall call me Eternity!"
You are Raiden Shogun! (Gods Mafia)
(Series: Genshin Impact)
[Electro Vision] -
Restores one shot from a role ability of either you or a target. [8-shots]

[Kusanagi no Inabikari] -
This naginata was a lethal weapon by which scattered dross might be cut away. And the one who wielded that naginata was one who guarded the path to eternity. The Raiden Shogun mastered this weapon, capable of cutting down whole armies. The owner of the [Kusanagi no Inabikari] will always make sure that a player gets wounded if the kill of any faction fails on them. If the wielders faction successfully kills a player, pick a player to roleblock for a phase and another to speed up their cooldowns by a cycle and tend to their wounds. This ability can be inherited by a mafia member of your choice, after your demise.

[Archon] -
As Archon of the electro element and Inazuma, the Shogun will be investigated as innocent.
[Plane of Euthymia] - Ei opperates mostly from her domain, the Plane of Euthymia. Inside there she can control the weather, and let thunder strike the town in front of her. Ei is undetectable.
[Puppet] - The Archon Ei is eternally locked inside her domain. But she uses her vessel, the Shogun, as a puppet to interact with the outside world and rule Inazuma. Her puppet will absorb incomming killing abilities and make you unkillable. In return, avoiding a death that way, will instead roleblock you for a cycle.

[Vision Hunt Decree] -
It is time to order a new Vision Hunt Decree! The Raiden Shogun will hunt down every vision, that doesn't escape her sight. Take the next 3 abilities that get tossed. [2 cycles cooldown]
[The Omnipresent] -
As an omnipresent god, Ei will watch over her targets and learn about their daily life. She can watch up to 4 targets for a phase, additionally she will learn what type of abilities have been used on her targets. [2 cycles cooldown]
[Eye of Storm Judgement] -
The Raiden Shogun unveils a shard of her Euthymia, that will be triggered by the next killing ability occuring in the game. A successful kill will have the eliminated role toss their passives. [2 cycles cooldown]
[Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu] -
Gathering truths unnumbered and wishes uncounted, the Raiden Shogun unleashes the Musou no Hitotachi and deals damage to up to 3 targets, tossing 1 Arsenal and 1 Role ability from each one. [1-shot]

Wincon - Defeat all threats to the Gods Mafia.

N4 has started! It will last 24 hours! You have 23 hours to submit an action! Reminder: The Waves are still targetable during the night, for those who missed during the day!
No posting!


D5 Start - Shred


This forum is retarded.
The Shredded Weeb!

The Weebs have been fighting evil spawns for days. With this dawn, the few Weebs that survived so far, have drastically changed. Bloodstains are tainting the world's soil, while shimmering people are trampling that very soil. Those people are the Weebs that became shredded through fighting the waves of calamity. Once again war horns are being blown and the Weebs became ready to crush more waves and liberate this world. But one of those Weebs ripped themselves and transcended to goodlyness. Farewell to your new home!

@Psylocke [Greg Doucette] fulfilled their mission and left the game!

"Don't be a moron: Get coached by Coach Greg!"
You are Greg Doucette! (Mission)
(Real Life: Fitness Youtuber)
[Anabolic Cooking Book] -
You may create a regular ability of your choice and obtain a shot of it. It can't be a killing or destructive ability. Alternatively, you can give a target of your choice an [Anabolic Cooking Book]. [12-shots]
[Superchat] -
Send a message to a player of your choice. This ability is spamable. [10-shots]

[Fitness Coach] -
Greg guarantees success! Each day you may invite a player to your newest fitness program and diet. If both mutually agree in the gamethread, then both of you will receive a chat during the following night. Your target has to tell you the name of their Nemesis, in order to complete the registration process. If said Nemesis gets eliminated by your target, then your target will receive a Super Bulletproof Vest. Greg can register a total of 5 players. [6-shots]

[Best Diet] -
Greg has the best diet out of all of them, and he is very proud of it! Each day he will toss an [Anabolic Cooking Book] from his Arsenal. Whenever a player creates an ability with an [Anabolic Cooking Book], then Greg will also obtain a shot of that created ability.
[Record Holder] - Greg holds a record in Powerlifting and he tries to maintain it. Greg is super unstoppable.

[Versus Science] -
Greg tears apart false studies and prefers to teach based on his own experience and research. Greg can gift a player one of the created abilities in his Arsenal. If he doesn't have a created ability, he may take a tossed ability or item.
[Powerlift] - Performing a powerlift and shredding himself, Greg becomes ready to impress on a player. Pick a player and roleblock and wound them. [1 cycle cooldown]
[Sumo Deadlift] -
Greg is about to perform the heaviest Sumo Deadlift in mankind's history. Noone may disturb him in the process. Protect yourself for this cycle, during the protection you may take up to 5 abilities or items and distribute them between your customers. [2 cycles cooldown]
[Always Right] -
Greg is always right in debates, he is bringing the facts to the table. Greg can switch the final vote count between the two highest wagons. He has to vote one of the wagoned players. [2-shots]

Wincon - Coach 2 registered players to success, so they can eliminate their Nemesis.

Noone has died tonight.
The waves have been succeed during the 4th cycle. Participants who received money have their roles unlocked. But the Apocalypse continous! Fight the waves once again to fend off repercussions!

[True Ultimate Despair] has been used on [???]
[Panty Sniff] has been used on [???]
[Former Offerings to a God] has been used on [???]
[Janitor] has been used on [???]

Day 5 has started! You have ~48 hours to discuss and decide on a lynch! Actions and votes lock after ~47 hours! More WU's inc.
D5 - Funeral


This forum is retarded.
Your Special Funeral!

Cruelty has hit 3 innocent Weebs at once to die for the greater cause.
3 Brothers, that were forming a solid shield...a shield to protect the Isekai Town in duty, and in arms.
They were the Brothers in Arms. May they rest in Peace!

@Mashiro Blue [Joe Biden] has been buried.

"Save Democracy! Vote for us!"
You are Joe Biden! (Isekai Town)
(Real Life: Politics)
[Ray-Ban RB3025 Classic Aviator Sunglasses] -
Protect yourself or a target of your choice, from the next preventative action. Targets learn about this ability. You or your target learn about it, when the protection triggers. [6-shots]

[Presidental Campaign] -
Joe is running another presidental campaign, the motto: A vote for Biden is a vote for town! Each day a write up occurs and people will be able to vote for Biden or a random flavour that is present in the game. The voting will be held in the role PMs. Whoever holds the majority of the votes will receive a -3 vote blessing. The blessing will be reduced to -1 after the start of D5, and is disabled during LyLo or another endgame scenario.
Also: You can add a message to the write up, this has to be prepared during the night.
-----[Town's President] - Locked

[Eldest Democrat] -
Joe is a true elder and he uses his last bit of life, in order to keep democracy safe and relevant. Due to his elder status, Joe can only make calculated moves. Joe's active role abilities get delayed until the next phase.
-----[Political Pressure] - When Joe gets pressure from another political camp, then Joe and his administration will take on that problem, head on. Once Biden has atleast 3 votes on him, he may use his actions instantly for the remainder of the cycle.

[The Protecting Power] -
Biden holds the reins of his country, which stands for a protecting power, protecting democracy. Biden can give a one-shot [Bulletproof Vest] to a player of his choice, but that player needs to be wagoned atleast once in the game. The [Bulletproof Vest] disappears, once Biden is eliminated. [Compulsive]
[Central Intelligence Agency] -
Biden may use the influence of the CiA and gather informations through them. Biden may target a wagon and learn if a guilty player voted on that wagon. He can only target a wagon from the past cycle. [2 cycles cooldown]
[Nuclear Football] -
Biden can authorize town to shoot a nuclear bomb on a target of their choice. After using this ability, the next fallen townie will be authorized to Superkill a target of their choice and janitorize it. All that target's visitors will be rolecrushed until the cycle ends. Biden will learn about the janitorized role. [1-shot]

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to the Isekai Town.

@Worst [Daemon Targaryen] has been buried.

"The gods give, just as the gods take away."
You are Daemon Targaryen! (Isekai Town)
(Series: A Song of Ice and Fire)
[Valyrian Steel] -
Pick a [???] in the write-up and learn that target's flavour. This item is brittled. [10-shots]

[House Targaryen] -
House Targaryen of Dragonstone is an exiled Great House of Westeros and the former royal house of the Seven Kingdoms. During D0 5 players of random nature will be assigned to the House Targaryen unbeknownst to anyone. You have to vote alongside those players in order to find them. Once you have found all members: Create a chat between you. [1-shot]
-----[Prince] -
As the prince of the House Targaryen, Daemon may use his authority to redirect the vote of all players in his chat to a target of his choice. [1-shot]
[Arrogance] -
Daemon has been shown to be very arrogant towards his family, but also his followers. Take the last tossed ability at the end of every ODD cycle. [on odd cycles]

[Personal Army] -
As commander of the City Watch and as prince, you have absolute authority over your own personal army. Command them to occupy a target's location. Pick a player to occupy them and suggest targets for their abilities that night. If they refuse to do so, wound them. [2-shots]
-----[City Watch] -
You can alternatively command the City Watch to occupy a write up. Gain a one-shot copy of a random ability used in this write-up, following the next cycle start. [1 cycle cooldown]
[Dark Sister] -
Dark Sister is a famous longsword of Valyrian steel. It is one of two ancestral swords of House Targaryen. Daemon is proud of his blade and mastered combat with it to a masterful level. Pick a target and enter combat with them, during your combat you will investigate your target.
Learn either: The nature of a random ability, an protective ability that is absent, a random target or a random visitor of a target player this phase at random. If used on a consecutive target, exclude a previously occured effect.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to the Isekai Town.

@SoulKiller [Munsu] has been buried.

"I must be more cunning than them or else, I won't be able to do the work of an Angyo Onshi!"
You are Munsu! (Isekai Town)
(Series: Shin Angyo Onshi)
[Dual Wielding Gun] -
Kill a Dummy or brittle a player for a phase. [5-shots]

[Marksman] -
Munsu is known for his excellent gunmanship, and never misses his target. His abilities are immune to redirection and control.
[The Curse] - After using an active ability the first time, Munsu will begin to succumb to the effects of the curse. Using that ability a second time will result in protective abilities used on him to fail. Using it for a third time will result in negative abilities used against him to be upgraded by one level. Using it for a fourth time will result in certain death. Munsu may abstain from taking any action, and in doing so will recede the curse by one stage.

[Angyo Onshi Medallion] -
Munsu's proof as one of the last Angyo Onshi. Giving him full authority, he may use it to negate a player's vote on him for the remainder of the Day Phase.
[3-Horse Mahai] - As per most Angyo Onshi carry, Munsu wields the ultimate 3 Horses Mahai medallion. It allows him to summon the Phantom Soldiers who will skewer any enemy he commands them to. He may target up to three players at night and roleblock them. If he ever targets the same target again, then that roleblock attempt will become super modified. [1 cycle cooldown]
[Illusion Charm] -
Gifted to him by Hae Mo Su, Munsu is able to use this charm to invoke many kinds of illusions. He may render himself untargetable for the phase this is used. [1 cycle cooldown]
[Sando] -
Munsu recruited Chun Hyang into becoming his Sando, a bodyguard of sorts who would travel by his side. Once during the game, Munsu may attempt to recruit a player into his Sando. This recruit will only work if Munsu shares an alignment with the player in question. If successful, that player will gain an additional role (see below). This shot can't be refunded and this ability is gilded [1-shot]

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to the Isekai Town.


This item has been tossed:
[Valyrian Steel] -
Pick a [???] in the write-up and learn that target's flavour. This item is brittled. [8-shots]

D5 - The Emergency Meeting!


This forum is retarded.
The Emergency Meeting!

With the death of Joe Biden and the political conclusion of the ESC, the NATO once again is in dire need of harsh decision making. You can face challenges only together!


The Weebs have slowly started to gain influence during the apocalypse, with massive success, there came a small group to be, naming themselves the "Upper Six".

Whoever is highly positioned in the ladder, will have gains and influences from the economy, everything is yours, shops, merchants and market chains! Let's welcome the top of the Town!

  1. Kagurashii
  2. oddoddfruit
  3. Naomi
  4. Destroya
  5. Midnight Delight
  6. Kobe
  7. Reborn
  8. Michelle
  9. Juliet
  10. Bakidou
  11. Charlie
  12. Alwaysmind
  13. Udell
  14. T-Pein
  15. Pot Goblin
  16. Underworld Broker
  17. Ekko
  18. Adam
  19. Rottkins
  20. Random Asshole

D5 - Waves


This forum is retarded.
The Fifth Waves! A Penetrating Force!

The waves have spawned! Weebs, gather and unite to fend them off! You have time until the end of the cycle!

Wave #1: Destructive
Target this wave with 4 Destructive actions in order to defeat it's spawns.

Wave #2: Preventative
Target this wave with 4 Preventative actions in order to defeat it's spawns.

Wave #3: Communicative
Target this wave with 4 Communicative actions in order to defeat it's spawns.

Wave #4: Destructive
Target this wave with 4 Destructive actions in order to defeat it's spawns.

What’s the hubbub bub?
The Moderators of Chaos!

The Weebs have slowly started to gain influence during the apocalypse, even with miserable success, there came a small group to be, naming themselves the "Upper Six".

Whoever is highly positioned in the ladder, will have gains and influences from the economy, everything is yours, shops, merchants and market chains! Let's welcome the top of the Town!

  1. Kagurashii
  2. Nessos
  3. Alwaysmind
  4. T-Pein
  5. Naomi
  6. Rottkins
  7. Midnight Delight
  8. Pyslocke
  9. Kobe
  10. Oddoddfruit
  11. Pot Goblin
  12. Random Asshole
  13. Underworld Broker
  14. Michelle
  15. Ekkologix
  16. Reborn
  17. Charlie
  18. Juliet
  19. Destroya
  20. Udell
  21. BakiDou
  22. Adam Apple
The Emergency Meeting!

  1. Kagurashii
  2. oddoddfruit
  3. Naomi
  4. Destroya
  5. Midnight Delight
  6. Kobe
  7. Reborn
  8. Michelle
  9. Juliet
  10. Bakidou
  11. Charlie
  12. Alwaysmind
  13. Udell
  14. T-Pein
  15. Pot Goblin
  16. Underworld Broker
  17. Ekko
  18. Adam
  19. Rottkins
  20. Random Asshole
Looks like you've won a lot of money lately,
I need you to explain how, both you and Destroya advanced rather quickly in this ranking

d1 I won a weapon, and this weapons gives you a huge sum of money if you target a wave(only works on the creative type), after I died, the same weapon got stolen, considering he games rules, the one who killed me gained it, and this weapon, the vassal fan was used in the last day.

Right now if we are to get a safe lynch, its between you and Destroya.
Looks like you've won a lot of money lately,
I need you to explain how, both you and Destroya advanced rather quickly in this ranking

d1 I won a weapon, and this weapons gives you a huge sum of money if you target a wave(only works on the creative type), after I died, the same weapon got stolen, considering he games rules, the one who killed me gained it, and this weapon, the vassal fan was used in the last day.

Right now if we are to get a safe lynch, its between you and Destroya.
Got a fat wad of dosh for hitting waves
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