Speculations Enel, Electricity, Edison, and Moon Robots: The True Traitor of Egghead Island

Is Enel the mastermind behind the attacks on Egghead?

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CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers

TLDR: Enel is using Electricity to hack Edison, and control Egghead Island from the inside. Enel was last seen on the moon, exploring ancient technology and robots from both earth, and the moon. The earth robots were built by Dr. Tsukimi, and had no wings, while the moon robots had wings, and were built by the moon people who then fled to earth.

Vegapunk and Dr. Tsukimi are both from Karakuri Island (translation: Mechanical Island), the place Franky studied during the Time Skip. Vegapunk and Dr. Tsukimi learned to create robots from knowledge left behind by moon people. Edison is designed after the same robots Enel met on the moon, and, because Enel knows how they work, Enel was able to use Electricty to hack Edison. Edison in the real world was a scientist connected to electricity who attacked another scientist, Tesla, who wanted to create free energy for everyone.

Enel is a mechanical genius, who constructed the Arc Maxim, a superweapon which could perform space travel. His knowledge of electricity and mechanics is great enough that he operates the Arc using his electricity, and could repair it himself. Knowing the Lunarians were once Gods, Enel wishes to take over Vegapunk's Seraphim as his own army.

God Enel has come to smite the false God Nika

Whooo, that was just the TLDR! There's a lot to unpack here, huh?

To begin with, I wanted to take a step back from all my theories about Blackbeard having a presence on Egghead. There was one big reason for this: if Cipher Pol had been trapped in Egghead for 2 months by the Blackbeard Pirates, Blackbeard would have already known about the Seraphim before Amazon Lilly. So, it has to be a Vegapunk at this point. Or, does it?

Who else in this series can hack robots, has experience with robots, and could possibly infiltrate Egghead? Oh, yeah, this fucker right here:

We last left Enel surrounded by winged robots from the moon, who were created and left behind by the winged moon people that descended to earth. NOTICE THE GIANT LIGHTBULB IN THE TOP RIGHT? Edison, baby.

Enel can fly at the speed of Lightning, and has advanced CoO that lets him scout out areas for life at a miles wide radius. His Matra INCLUDES, the robots, as well, so Enel would be able to sense the Seraphim and Punks (possibly even the hologram people). This panel proves that, as he sense the robot automata in the crater with his Haki:

Invading Egghead would be easy for Enel. So, how does Enel connect to Egghead? Well, to begin with, Edison was famous for, what? Electricity. He also was famous for hating Tesla, who wanted what? Free energy for everyone, just like Vegapunk. Why name a Vegapunk after a guy who hated the idea of free energy, and fought against it, if that's what Vegapunk wants?

Enel has connections to the ancient civilization and robots, but, he's shown great scientific skill before any of that. Enel's knowledge of the human body is great enough that he can perform defibrillation on himself after his heart stops by electrifying it. And then, there's the Arc Maxim. Knowing gold conducts electricity, Enel built a flying ship that can destroy entire islands, as well as travel into space and land on the moon.

Enel could control the Arc easily with his electricity, as well as repair it if necessary, showcasing AMAZING mechanical and engineering intelligence. It should be easy for Enel to reverse-engineer these robots, and possibly make new ones, if he has the resources. Okay, so, where did these robots come into existence, and how do they connected with Vegapunk and Egghead?

Well, there are two types: the automata from Karakuri Island built by Dr. Tsukimi, who went to the moon using balloons, and were saved by Enel; and the ancient automata left behind by the moon people themselves, who are different because they have wings (just like the Seraphim).

Fun fact: Karakuri Island is where Franky found Vegapunk's old lab, and blew it up, before finding another old lab. The island's name translates to "Mechanical Island", and we see this is where the wingless robots Enel rescued were built:

If Dr. Tsukimi and Dr. Vegapunk BOTH learned how to create robots, I assume they learned how to from ancient technology/books left behind on Karakuri island, or, Vegapunk shared his Ohara research with Dr. Tsukimi. Either way, the point is, Vegapunk, Dr. Tsukimi, and Enel were all working with the same kind of robots. Vegapunk and Tskumi USED MOON SCIENCE, the same science Enel has been learning about for the last two years, to make their automata. THIS IS THE BASIS FOR PACIFISTA AND SERAPHIM TECHNOLOGY.

The Seraphim don't just have Lunarian DNA, THEY ARE MADE FROM LUNARIAN TECHNOLOGY.

So, by that logic, Enel, with electricity, should be able to hack and control Vegapunk's robots. Guess who is perfectly shaped like the moon robots Enel met, and is wearing a helmet to cover himself up? Yep.

It's fucking Edison, innit?

Same eyes, same size, same head shape, similar arm length. Both wearing helmets. Also, look at Edison's helmet. It's what? Both rabbit and plug shaped. Rabbits are connected to what, in Japan? The Moon. In One Piece, we have a rabbit who uses Electro who knows a robot, a man on the moon made of electricity, and a robot named after a scientist who used electricity, who was made by a man who used moon technology to build robots. Notice how all the moon robots had helmets, as well?

Enel is connected to Vegapunk, as well: Vegapunk believes God is made up of people's dreams, while Enel believes God is fear. Enel selfishly uses power and technology, while Vegapunk spreads it.

Where was Enel introduced? In a marvelous city with ancient secrets and technology located in the clouds. Where are we now? In a marvelous city with ancient secrets and technology located in the clouds.

You want something REALLY FUN? Guess when Enel's Great Space Operations Cover Story started? Guess?

Right after Luffy beat Lucci in Enies Lobby.

Who is coming to fight Luffy now? Gorosei, the gods of the world.

But wait, there's more! The name of the ancient city Enel found on the Moon is Birka... which is also the name of the city/Sky Island HE DESTROYED HIMSELF.

Enel traveled to the moon because he believed it was Fairy Vearth, and that God himself lived there. Who has just been revealed to be the actual God of the One Piece universe?

Do you think Enel is going to accept Luffy as his god (would be a hilarious twist, to be honest) or do you think Enel is going to try to kill Luffy even harder once he finds out the rubber asshole who beat him up in Skypiea is actually worshipped as god? Enel's coming for Luffy's head once he knows, and Enel will probably want the same out of the Gorosei, and Imu, for calling themselves above him. Who are the Seraphim supposed to be serving? The Gorosei, the gods of the world.

That's what Enel wants. To Enel, the Lunarian Seraphim Vegapunk created ARE HIS VEARTH. They were created by taking Lunarian DNA, and merging it with Lunarian science. To Enel's crazy narcissistic ass, the Seraphim are his children, from his Fairy Vearth. He's not going to let some gross old man like Vegapunk soil them.

Armed with the knowledge of Lunarians and Lunarian technology, Enel has hacked Edison, who was built to resemble Dr. Tsukimi's automata, and the moon automata, and has turned the Seraphim against their makers, to kill them for the sin of stealing Enel's Vearth. To Enel, everything in the world is his Vearth, ESPECIALLY anything connected to the moon, to Fairy Vearth. The entire world is Vearth to him, and nothing is more sacred than Fairy Vearth.

Vegapunk is lucky he has Sun God Nika on his side, because he has angered not just the gods of the World Governement, but the God of Fairy Vearth, Enel.

And the God of the Moon is coming to take his Vearth back, and rule over the lower realm with his robot armies.

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CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
Makes more sense than Awakened Kaku teaming up with Zoro to fight a Mihawk clone
Cipher Pol fits well in this arc since they're more or less child soldiers like the Seraphim, who are owned by the World Government.

I expect Oda's setting CP0 up to be hunted by the World Government and replaced.

Lucci meeting Enel would be low-key hilarious.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
While I did have disagreement in some part, overall good theory, mate

I also think that Enel's return is near (either in this arc or not long after this arc), considering the hint that Vegapunk gave some chapters ago about energy resources.
Oh, good point.

Enel powered-up the Ancient City Birka very fast, too. Enel would solve a lot of Vegapunk's energy issues... if, big IF, he was nicer.
If you think Kaku being Awakened when Kaido or any of his crew weren't then I see only delightful things regarding your future with this series. Ain't mad atcha
The premise of the post I answered to was that Awakened Kkau and Zoro would team up - i.e. the team up between them is what's unexpected

I never said that Kaku being awakened makes sense, while Kaido not having awakening also makes sense

My original point, pertaining to this thread, is that Enel coming back is very unlikely. Especially in this arc.
The premise of the post I answered to was that Awakened Kkau and Zoro would team up - i.e. the team up between them is what's unexpected

I never said that Kaku being awakened makes sense, while Kaido not having awakening also makes sense

My original point, pertaining to this thread, is that Enel coming back is very unlikely. Especially in this arc.
And my point is that "unlikely vs likely" doesn't really matter with Oda.

People in some part thought that it really could have been Ener at the end of 1004. Not because it made narrative sense at all, but because Oda likes stockpiling shit and pulling trigger when it seems to amuse him. The premise of this thread is really good even if I don't think it's close to certain, because the Moon shit is dangling right above our heads. With or without Ener it would be weird if Oda didn't touch on some of that cover story.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
Interesting theory..
Why tho? Is Oda going to make Enel final villain?
Traitor actions are weird.
Kidnapping Cps
Informing world government about ponegylph research
He is betraying both sides. Although government does consider Cps as expendables.
Enel fits really well now because the Straw Hats just found out that Luffy is God, we're exploring what it means for Luffy to be God, and the Gorosei, who are considered to be Gods, are coming here.

Enel needs information on the World Government if he wants to destroy them, kidnapping Cipher Pol can aid with that.

If Enel hates both the WG for pretending to be Gods, and Vegapunk for manipulating Fairy Vearth/Lunarian tech, Enel pitting Vegapunk and the WG against each other makes a lot of sense.

We'll see, though.
What I like about that theory of yours is that it's quite well-thought and backed up with some canon material, good job!
While I don't think Enel is necessarily behind all the shit happening on the Egghead, I still find the idea plausible, if Oda wants to make Enel relevant to the story again. I don't think Enel is ever going to be an ally to Luffy, so if he is back to the main storyline, he's not going to make it easy for Luffy.
On the other hand, Enel has already been defeated, by pre-haki Luffy, so what is the point of him going back from narrative perspective? With Crocodile, who had also lost to Luffy, we had more development, and with Luffy helping Crocodile escape Impel Down I can see Crocodile returning the favour and not fighting Luffy at some point / helping Luffy against WG. With Enel? Unlikely, and he also might enjoy his life on the moon as is. But let's see, maybe Oda will get him back somehow - and your theory gives an interesting idea how it might happen!

CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
What I like about that theory of yours is that it's quite well-thought and backed up with some canon material, good job!
While I don't think Enel is necessarily behind all the shit happening on the Egghead, I still find the idea plausible, if Oda wants to make Enel relevant to the story again. I don't think Enel is ever going to be an ally to Luffy, so if he is back to the main storyline, he's not going to make it easy for Luffy.
On the other hand, Enel has already been defeated, by pre-haki Luffy, so what is the point of him going back from narrative perspective? With Crocodile, who had also lost to Luffy, we had more development, and with Luffy helping Crocodile escape Impel Down I can see Crocodile returning the favour and not fighting Luffy at some point / helping Luffy against WG. With Enel? Unlikely, and he also might enjoy his life on the moon as is. But let's see, maybe Oda will get him back somehow - and your theory gives an interesting idea how it might happen!
I think Oda wants to use Enel to introduce us to more Moon lore, and interest the crew in going to the Moon. Like, let's be honest: if Luffy learns there are robot people living on the Moon, Luffy's going to want to go there. That would be Enel's narrative purpose, and could also tie into Vegapunk revealing Moon lore (since we're focused so much on Lunarian stuff right now).

The interesting thing about Enel as a villain, is Luffy didn't ruin his dreams, like with nearly every other villain. Enel wanted to blow up, Skypiea, yeah, but what was his real goal? To reach Fairy Vearth on the Arc, because he believed it was the land of God. Enel never was defeated in the sense, that HE GOT WHAT HE WANTED. Enel was going to abandon the Skypieans either way, their survival didn't matter that much to his dream at that point.

Enel still has his original goal: to rule the world. Enel never changed his mindset, he still believes he's God, and that everything in the world belongs to him. I doubt someone like that is content living on the moon with a bunch of weird robots: nah, he's going to use the moon as a base to try to take over the world. That's why Enel would want the Seraphim, and Vegapunk: if he removes the other Vegapunks and leaves only Edison, he's in complete control of the Seraphim outside of the Gorosei.

I would laugh my ass off is this ended with a bunch of Kuma robots fighting a bunch of Enel robots. Enel is definitely the dude to make a clone army of robots that all look like him!


CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
Interesting enough, Enel could be very useful part of this arc for Vegapunk since the power source VP looks for is electricity.
If Enel is to return, it is now or never, I guess...
The idea that Enel could solve the world's energy problems is hilarious, because you know he'd want nothing do with it, at least at first.

Enel on his own gets folded easily by Luffy due to rubber powers and now G5, and now that Zoro has Adv CoC he'd destroy Enel in one clean slice, but everyone else on the crew is very vulnerable to Enel.

On the Marine side, imagine the Arc descending and just blasting apart their fleet, then we get Enel vs Kizaru?

I've always wanted Zoro to get Enel back, though.