"Ability to petrify charmed targets

The power to petrify the target who is charmed by the ability user. If the person's mind is inclined toward the person who activated the ability, the body will be petrified regardless of the person's will. Due to strong pain, it is possible to cancel the charm state and avoid it. You can't petrify an opponent who doesn't feel charmed at all.

Petrification by this ability can only be solved by the person who activated it. Even if the person faints or dies, the petrified state will not be lifted and will continue."

Boa can only win against horny people. :josad:
This is true and false actually.

For example what you said is indeed true however to add her charm has to supercede the person's will she's trying to charm in the first place

This makes sense as to why she can turn inanimate objects into stone even though they possess 0 feelings since them possessing no emotion or feelings makes it easy for her fruit to force its will upon the person.

People misconstrued why he ability was able to NOT work on luffy. It's not because luffy wasn't attracted to her. It is because his will to not get dominated by her ability waa in affect (which makes sense since this was the very same arc luffy used conquerors haki in a land of haki users)