Internationale Finanzinvestoren haben in den vergangenen Jahren Hunderte Augenarztpraxen in Deutschland gekauft. In mehreren Städten und Landkreisen sind nach NDR-Recherchen bereits monopolartige Strukturen entstanden.

"Over the past years international finance inverstors bought hundreds of ophthalmological practices in Germany. According to NDR research, monopoly-like structures have become a reality in several cities and counties"

NDR is a public mainstream broadcaster. No conspiracy site.,arztpraxen112.html

"Approx. 1/5 of all eye doctors is working for investment chains"

"She (a dentist) drilled into teeth that were still healthy"

This is the reality of the health system.
Blindly trusting doctors is DANGEROUS.

@ShiShiShi @Doggo @Cutty Jewboy

Use Google translate if you're interested in the whole articles.
I'm too tired to translate everything.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
What I learned from Covid is that the real spread of disease comes from horrible city planning and corrupt government, and that pandemics will always destroy societies as long as we mindlessly stack humans on top of each other in shitty living conditions. Global industrialization places profit over health, and this is the result.

People in areas filled with either sunlight or plantlife did way better than people in cities, look at Africa's statistics. Cities like NYC are practically built to spread disease.

Countries like Japan, that did a lot right when it came to Covid (using medical masks; putting infected patients in offsite hospitals so Covid didn't spread through the regular hospitals, etc), but, they still were stupid enough to ignore reality. Japan wanted to believe if they masked, and vaccinated, they could stop the Virus from spreading.

Nope, the country is just too cramped. After doing everything right, they still have delusions that they can eradicate this disease. That was only possible directly after the lab leak; as soon as China covered up the leak, we were all fucked by their horrific decision making. Even if it did come from some rando eating a bat (LOLOLOL I love official state narratives so much), Chine's refusal to disclose information quickly just destroyed any chance at stopping Covid from spreading.

Japan is still pushing out draconian measures to try to stop the spread, when it's impossible because of how, as Oden would say, "cramped" the country is. A global society that ships people and animals all over the place, and forces people to live and work in cramped, stupid living conditions, is going to get ass-fucked by pandemics.

Bitching about anti-vax grandmas won't change that.

Most medical industries are so corrupt and full of crap, that the hospitals couldn't handle patient inflow, BEFORE the pandemic. Canada is touted for its healthcare system, and it just folded like a house of cards during Corona, while already struggling in plenty of areas before hand. The US just gets shat on because we price gouge people to hell and back with treatment, but most countries honestly have trash healthcare.

Blaming medically misinformed individuals for the problems caused by ridiculously incompetent city planning by politicians and rich people is ridiculous and flat out stupid.

Watching society choose to protect rich old people over young people for the thousandth time didn't surprise me. The rich fucks were partying maskless at galas, knowing they have "Monoclonal Antibodies" to save them, while poor people got strapped on vents and lefts to die. Policies made all over the place ignoring actual science showing only surgical masks are effective, forcing kids to have repressed learning for the sake of bathing them in fear porn about a virus we still know apparently nothing about, since the geniuses running our countries still can't agree on where it came from, or how to treat it without vaccination (unless you're rich enough to afford the Monoclonal Antibodies), but want us to trust them anyway.

The fact that people still try to defend most governments' responses to Coronavirus baffle me. Putting masks on a bunch of people all working within 10 ft of each other isn't going to stop anything from spreading, do you need Fauci to tell you that?

Our medical industries are corrupt trash incapable of handling actual medical crises, randos not wearing masks or not getting vaxxed didn't matter for shit. Can't remember a single commercial saying "Eating healthy, getting plenty of Vitamin C and Vitamin D from Fruits/Veggies and Supplements, and getting sunlight and exercise are great ways to build your immune system to fight disease."

Stay at home/remote work is the best thing to come out of this pandemic, fuck showing up early to be around other people to pretend you're doing crap from 9-5 or whatever the hell. Make me come in when necessary, then let me stay at home otherwise. That's how you stop the spread of illness.

Going outside isn't the problem. The problem is our dipshit claustrophobic society built to worship cars that won't let people walk anywhere in cities without people being pressed up against each other in the streets. Look at the Japanese subway, who gives a fuck if you wear a mask, it's hundreds of people crammed into one metal box. OF COURSE DISEASE IS GOING TO SPREAD.

Vaccination and shaming people with dumbass medical views won't prevent another pandemic like this, let alone lying and pretending people were eating horse dewormer.

Vaccination is great technology, but it's not a magical cure-all that stops disease. Our societies don't give a fuck about building themselves to be healthy, so, Covid 19 kicked our asses. If we don't admit over-industrialization and corrupt governments caused this mess in the first place, we'll get what's coming to us again soon enough. Our societies break people's bodies and minds for profit, and herd kids into schools and people into cubicles like cattle.

Global industrialization is destroying the planet, and Covid was just a symptom of how stupid the way we choose to exist as a species is.

If you read all of this post and call me an anti-vaxxer unironically I will block your ass, BTW, I don't need more propaganda on this man-made-mess. Even if you think the origin of Covid weren't man-made, the pandemic itself sure as fuck was. It started with China's government lying their damn asses off, and it's only gotten worse from there. We were all sold a lie that staying inside, masking, and vaxxing would destroy this virus. The countries like Japan did that still have the damn thing spreading like wildfire.

No matter how Covid 19 started, government cover-ups, lies, and propaganda is what spread it, not some dumbass grandma talking about the vax made her magnetic. For fucks sake. The moment China, who had people travelling all over the world pre-pandemic, covered up Corona, it was over. Trusting tyrannical regimes like the USA and China, who have no problem murdering Muslim kids in cold blood then bitching about how much they hate nazis, is the reason we're here.

You think if another Coronavirus shows up in the USA, Russia, or China, the governments are gonna do the right thing??? Take your damn tinfoil hat off, those fuckers don't care if we die.

Eat well. Get sunlight. Exercise. Wash your hands. Don't shoot out saliva all over the place. Be nice to people and respect their distance.

The only way we'll stop shit like this is if we learn to work together and stop letting these stupid rich pieces of shit divide us.


Cope Doctor
What I learned from Covid is that the real spread of disease comes from horrible city planning and corrupt government, and that pandemics will always destroy societies as long as we mindlessly stack humans on top of each other in shitty living conditions. Global industrialization places profit over health, and this is the result.

People in areas filled with either sunlight or plantlife did way better than people in cities, look at Africa's statistics. Cities like NYC are practically built to spread disease.

Countries like Japan, that did a lot right when it came to Covid (using medical masks; putting infected patients in offsite hospitals so Covid didn't spread through the regular hospitals, etc), but, they still were stupid enough to ignore reality. Japan wanted to believe if they masked, and vaccinated, they could stop the Virus from spreading.

Nope, the country is just too cramped. After doing everything right, they still have delusions that they can eradicate this disease. That was only possible directly after the lab leak; as soon as China covered up the leak, we were all fucked by their horrific decision making. Even if it did come from some rando eating a bat (LOLOLOL I love official state narratives so much), Chine's refusal to disclose information quickly just destroyed any chance at stopping Covid from spreading.

Japan is still pushing out draconian measures to try to stop the spread, when it's impossible because of how, as Oden would say, "cramped" the country is. A global society that ships people and animals all over the place, and forces people to live and work in cramped, stupid living conditions, is going to get ass-fucked by pandemics.

Bitching about anti-vax grandmas won't change that.

Most medical industries are so corrupt and full of crap, that the hospitals couldn't handle patient inflow, BEFORE the pandemic. Canada is touted for its healthcare system, and it just folded like a house of cards during Corona, while already struggling in plenty of areas before hand. The US just gets shat on because we price gouge people to hell and back with treatment, but most countries honestly have trash healthcare.

Blaming medically misinformed individuals for the problems caused by ridiculously incompetent city planning by politicians and rich people is ridiculous and flat out stupid.

Watching society choose to protect rich old people over young people for the thousandth time didn't surprise me. The rich fucks were partying maskless at galas, knowing they have "Monoclonal Antibodies" to save them, while poor people got strapped on vents and lefts to die. Policies made all over the place ignoring actual science showing only surgical masks are effective, forcing kids to have repressed learning for the sake of bathing them in fear porn about a virus we still know apparently nothing about, since the geniuses running our countries still can't agree on where it came from, or how to treat it without vaccination (unless you're rich enough to afford the Monoclonal Antibodies), but want us to trust them anyway.

The fact that people still try to defend most governments' responses to Coronavirus baffle me. Putting masks on a bunch of people all working within 10 ft of each other isn't going to stop anything from spreading, do you need Fauci to tell you that?

Our medical industries are corrupt trash incapable of handling actual medical crises, randos not wearing masks or not getting vaxxed didn't matter for shit. Can't remember a single commercial saying "Eating healthy, getting plenty of Vitamin C and Vitamin D from Fruits/Veggies and Supplements, and getting sunlight and exercise are great ways to build your immune system to fight disease."

Stay at home/remote work is the best thing to come out of this pandemic, fuck showing up early to be around other people to pretend you're doing crap from 9-5 or whatever the hell. Make me come in when necessary, then let me stay at home otherwise. That's how you stop the spread of illness.

Going outside isn't the problem. The problem is our dipshit claustrophobic society built to worship cars that won't let people walk anywhere in cities without people being pressed up against each other in the streets. Look at the Japanese subway, who gives a fuck if you wear a mask, it's hundreds of people crammed into one metal box. OF COURSE DISEASE IS GOING TO SPREAD.

Vaccination and shaming people with dumbass medical views won't prevent another pandemic like this, let alone lying and pretending people were eating horse dewormer.

Vaccination is great technology, but it's not a magical cure-all that stops disease. Our societies don't give a fuck about building themselves to be healthy, so, Covid 19 kicked our asses. If we don't admit over-industrialization and corrupt governments caused this mess in the first place, we'll get what's coming to us again soon enough. Our societies break people's bodies and minds for profit, and herd kids into schools and people into cubicles like cattle.

Global industrialization is destroying the planet, and Covid was just a symptom of how stupid the way we choose to exist as a species is.

If you read all of this post and call me an anti-vaxxer unironically I will block your ass, BTW, I don't need more propaganda on this man-made-mess. Even if you think the origin of Covid weren't man-made, the pandemic itself sure as fuck was. It started with China's government lying their damn asses off, and it's only gotten worse from there. We were all sold a lie that staying inside, masking, and vaxxing would destroy this virus. The countries like Japan did that still have the damn thing spreading like wildfire.

No matter how Covid 19 started, government cover-ups, lies, and propaganda is what spread it, not some dumbass grandma talking about the vax made her magnetic. For fucks sake. The moment China, who had people travelling all over the world pre-pandemic, covered up Corona, it was over. Trusting tyrannical regimes like the USA and China, who have no problem murdering Muslim kids in cold blood then bitching about how much they hate nazis, is the reason we're here.

You think if another Coronavirus shows up in the USA, Russia, or China, the governments are gonna do the right thing??? Take your damn tinfoil hat off, those fuckers don't care if we die.

Eat well. Get sunlight. Exercise. Wash your hands. Don't shoot out saliva all over the place. Be nice to people and respect their distance.

The only way we'll stop shit like this is if we learn to work together and stop letting these stupid rich pieces of shit divide us.
I read it all, and all I have to say, you are correct about how humanity fucked up, and it will fuck up again, the problem is covid wasnt as dangerous as they made it to be, it wasnt necessary to lock down and vaccinate the world IMO
What I learned from Covid is that the real spread of disease comes from horrible city planning and corrupt government, and that pandemics will always destroy societies as long as we mindlessly stack humans on top of each other in shitty living conditions. Global industrialization places profit over health, and this is the result.

People in areas filled with either sunlight or plantlife did way better than people in cities, look at Africa's statistics. Cities like NYC are practically built to spread disease.

Countries like Japan, that did a lot right when it came to Covid (using medical masks; putting infected patients in offsite hospitals so Covid didn't spread through the regular hospitals, etc), but, they still were stupid enough to ignore reality. Japan wanted to believe if they masked, and vaccinated, they could stop the Virus from spreading.

Nope, the country is just too cramped. After doing everything right, they still have delusions that they can eradicate this disease. That was only possible directly after the lab leak; as soon as China covered up the leak, we were all fucked by their horrific decision making. Even if it did come from some rando eating a bat (LOLOLOL I love official state narratives so much), Chine's refusal to disclose information quickly just destroyed any chance at stopping Covid from spreading.

Japan is still pushing out draconian measures to try to stop the spread, when it's impossible because of how, as Oden would say, "cramped" the country is. A global society that ships people and animals all over the place, and forces people to live and work in cramped, stupid living conditions, is going to get ass-fucked by pandemics.

Bitching about anti-vax grandmas won't change that.

Most medical industries are so corrupt and full of crap, that the hospitals couldn't handle patient inflow, BEFORE the pandemic. Canada is touted for its healthcare system, and it just folded like a house of cards during Corona, while already struggling in plenty of areas before hand. The US just gets shat on because we price gouge people to hell and back with treatment, but most countries honestly have trash healthcare.

Blaming medically misinformed individuals for the problems caused by ridiculously incompetent city planning by politicians and rich people is ridiculous and flat out stupid.

Watching society choose to protect rich old people over young people for the thousandth time didn't surprise me. The rich fucks were partying maskless at galas, knowing they have "Monoclonal Antibodies" to save them, while poor people got strapped on vents and lefts to die. Policies made all over the place ignoring actual science showing only surgical masks are effective, forcing kids to have repressed learning for the sake of bathing them in fear porn about a virus we still know apparently nothing about, since the geniuses running our countries still can't agree on where it came from, or how to treat it without vaccination (unless you're rich enough to afford the Monoclonal Antibodies), but want us to trust them anyway.

The fact that people still try to defend most governments' responses to Coronavirus baffle me. Putting masks on a bunch of people all working within 10 ft of each other isn't going to stop anything from spreading, do you need Fauci to tell you that?

Our medical industries are corrupt trash incapable of handling actual medical crises, randos not wearing masks or not getting vaxxed didn't matter for shit. Can't remember a single commercial saying "Eating healthy, getting plenty of Vitamin C and Vitamin D from Fruits/Veggies and Supplements, and getting sunlight and exercise are great ways to build your immune system to fight disease."

Stay at home/remote work is the best thing to come out of this pandemic, fuck showing up early to be around other people to pretend you're doing crap from 9-5 or whatever the hell. Make me come in when necessary, then let me stay at home otherwise. That's how you stop the spread of illness.

Going outside isn't the problem. The problem is our dipshit claustrophobic society built to worship cars that won't let people walk anywhere in cities without people being pressed up against each other in the streets. Look at the Japanese subway, who gives a fuck if you wear a mask, it's hundreds of people crammed into one metal box. OF COURSE DISEASE IS GOING TO SPREAD.

Vaccination and shaming people with dumbass medical views won't prevent another pandemic like this, let alone lying and pretending people were eating horse dewormer.

Vaccination is great technology, but it's not a magical cure-all that stops disease. Our societies don't give a fuck about building themselves to be healthy, so, Covid 19 kicked our asses. If we don't admit over-industrialization and corrupt governments caused this mess in the first place, we'll get what's coming to us again soon enough. Our societies break people's bodies and minds for profit, and herd kids into schools and people into cubicles like cattle.

Global industrialization is destroying the planet, and Covid was just a symptom of how stupid the way we choose to exist as a species is.

If you read all of this post and call me an anti-vaxxer unironically I will block your ass, BTW, I don't need more propaganda on this man-made-mess. Even if you think the origin of Covid weren't man-made, the pandemic itself sure as fuck was. It started with China's government lying their damn asses off, and it's only gotten worse from there. We were all sold a lie that staying inside, masking, and vaxxing would destroy this virus. The countries like Japan did that still have the damn thing spreading like wildfire.

No matter how Covid 19 started, government cover-ups, lies, and propaganda is what spread it, not some dumbass grandma talking about the vax made her magnetic. For fucks sake. The moment China, who had people travelling all over the world pre-pandemic, covered up Corona, it was over. Trusting tyrannical regimes like the USA and China, who have no problem murdering Muslim kids in cold blood then bitching about how much they hate nazis, is the reason we're here.

You think if another Coronavirus shows up in the USA, Russia, or China, the governments are gonna do the right thing??? Take your damn tinfoil hat off, those fuckers don't care if we die.

Eat well. Get sunlight. Exercise. Wash your hands. Don't shoot out saliva all over the place. Be nice to people and respect their distance.

The only way we'll stop shit like this is if we learn to work together and stop letting these stupid rich pieces of shit divide us.
I love you man.

Here some of the best parts as a tl;dr:
If we don't admit over-industrialization and corrupt governments caused this mess in the first place, we'll get what's coming to us again soon enough. Our societies break people's bodies and minds for profit, and herd kids into schools and people into cubicles like cattle.
Global industrialization is destroying the planet, and Covid was just a symptom of how stupid the way we choose to exist as a species is.
You think if another Coronavirus shows up in the USA, Russia, or China, the governments are gonna do the right thing??? Take your damn tinfoil hat off, those fuckers don't care if we die.
Eat well. Get sunlight. Exercise. Wash your hands. Don't shoot out saliva all over the place. Be nice to people and respect their distance.

The only way we'll stop shit like this is if we learn to work together and stop letting these stupid rich pieces of shit divide us.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I read it all, and all I have to say, you are correct about how humanity fucked up, and it will fuck up again, the problem is covid wasnt as dangerous as they made it to be, it wasnt necessary to lock down and vaccinate the world IMO
Nah, it was dangerous, but because we live in conditions that make no sense. People wouldn't have died if most people had big yards with lots of trees, got a lot of exercise, and didn't spend all day stuck in cars, or buildings, or planes, etc, with each other.

I believe the draconian measures most governments used were disgusting, but I don't want to act like Coronavirus wasn't dangerous. It's a super-spreader virus that kills people with heart conditions, breathing conditions, weight issues, auto-immune issues, and the elderly very efficiently. We should have isolated those people as high risk due to the nature of the virus, and then did as much as we could to keep the rest of society open, while encouraging people to wash their hands, and avoid speaking closely, as Covid is spread mostly through water particles and droplets.

Yeah, it will happen again. I can't tell if humanity learned less from the Pandemic than it did from World War 2, and I was raised to believe murdering children in other countries is okay if they look different from you and worship different gods, so, that's really saying something.

Humans are just fucking determined to not learn from history, apparently. China is literally running a genocide, with CONCENTRATION CAMPS, against millions of Muslims, and people expect me to believe their Corona narrative?

Why the fuck should I trust nazis to be honest about a global pandemic? Those are the fuckers WHO WOULD START a global pandemic, the kind of evil-ass trash that would run concentrations camps in the first place.

It's sad, too, because I love the Chinese people, and I can't even watch the videos coming out from there. People locked in buildings screaming into the night, robot drones walking around telling people to stay indoors. Fucking terrifying. And these people want it here, UGH.