
playing Marvel Rivals
Just so y'all now, is not gonna be one side getting punished if it comes that; its gonna gonna all of you. Saying really stupid shit in retaliation to someone else saying really stupid shit doesn't put you in the clear lol
keep letting the bigotry grow on worstgen, its just gonna get worse and worse, the more you guys let it grow
Roman documents,jewish documents and relics like this one:
There are old norse writings saying odin was real

Odin is the real god right? is that how this logic functions

Again anyone can write stuff down
im a giant panda with ninja skills and a katana

See i wrote it down, it's documented
must be factually accurate then
That dank circa A.D. Dimethyltryptamine spliff hit different
I mean how was he supposed to turn water into wine?

'Wine' may mean anything here. Not necessarily pure grape vine but anything that causes hallucinogenic or euphoric reactions

Would also explain the food multiplication, it was all in people's heads. They felt so good that they didn't need more actual food to feel more satisfied
A disorder is a disorder. I don't see anything wrong with referring to a disorder as such. For instance, there are people with conditions that are considered mental disorders, so saying they have a mental disorder while talking about them isn't necessarily an insult.

What makes calling homosexuality (or whatever it is that they're talking about earlier in this thread) a mental disorder an issue here is, it's not generally accepted as such. Whether homosexuality is a disorder or not is a different story altogether, but if saying something offends a lot of people in a negative way, then it's probably better to avoid saying it.
in my original post i said:"here is an unpopular opinion,i think homosexuality is a mental disorder".I did this to instigate the debate about whether or not the current consensus is scientific or not.This is a controversial thread after all.A big mistake on my part,because instead of a debate i was received with trolling and baiting.But calling religious figures names is just point blank insult.I didn't name anyone here mentally ill.Some user said i was closet gay and i wanted to get " rammed myself",the othes you know....bigot,homophobic and so on.I'm cool with personal insults,but religion is something that doesn't only concern me.Many users here are religious too.Jesus is a respected prophet in Islam too. @Uncle Van this guy said it best.