Best Character Development Tourney #2 - Finale

Vote for the Winner!

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Talent is something you make bloom.
Shrek, Walter White and Zuko are all amazing characters (and I assume Tony Soprano as well, I'm gonna start The Sopranos after my exams) so I got no issue with any winning but this was a development thread so kinda restricted in regards to what's looked at.

Breaking Bad would probably be at the top for me overall as a story and Shrek is one of my favourite films but I feel like Zuko's development was quite amazing throughout Avatar. From early on, he got comparable focus as Aang with their journies being paralled like in that Storm episode (humanising him and going into why he's so determined to hunt down Aang and how his father permanently scarred him for disrespect, further highlighting his need to reclaim his honour) and we see Zuko change throughout the series from beginning to accept his exile to Azula offering him the opportunity to return back and throw away all his efforts in progressing (signifying how difficult truly changing is especially when actually offered with the opportunity to return back to your old habits) and finally we have him doing his best to atone even when being turned away by everyone he wants to help as a result of his past transgressions. Really amazing and satisfying to see.

All we needed was a 1v1 Agni Kai which we got till certain disruptions which were kinda underwhelming in my opinion but Zuko confronting his father, paving the way for Aang and facing his sister and reuniting with his uncle were all amazing finishing touches to his character arc.

No shame in losing to Zuko. One of the best villain to hero stories out there and Avatar was really well-crafted in many aspects like character-writing and Zuko takes the cake (I think Aang's pretty close but come on, it's Zuko).
I just wanted to piss you off for tagging me in the first place.Let me know who your favourite entry is in all of the polls so that I can keep voting the other guy.
Seriously who tf even takes 5 minutes to make a meme for people who voted Zuko instead of Tony Soprano, get a life.


I just wanted to piss you off for tagging me in the first place.Let me know who your favourite entry is in all of the polls so that I can keep voting the other guy.
Seriously who tf even takes 5 minutes to make a meme for people who voted Zuko instead of Tony Soprano, get a life.
Bro shut up,lmao. You don't know shit about my life.

Adam ๐ŸŽ

Pretty Boy
Tie between Zuko and Walter White has been decide by the total amount of votes they received through out the tourney!

@Marimo_420 Walter White 59 with total votes is the winner!

@Fujishiro Prince Zuko with 51 votes comes in 2nd place

@The White Crane Iron Man with 43 votes comes in 3rd place

@Light D Lamperouge with Meruem has 33 votes

@MUUGEN with Tony Soprano has 25 votes

@Longleg Larry with Rickety Cricket has 22 votes

@Lord Evil with Shrek has 17 votes

@Devilbat with Bakugou has 14 votes

@Cream filled donut7 with Simon has 13 votes

@Jaguark101 with Jamie Lannister has 12 votes

@Shimotsuki Ghostly with Clementine has 11 votes

@RayanOO with Perry Cox has 3 votes

Thank you all for playing and voting!

I'll be taking a break from Tourney hosting simply bcs people don't wanna join as much these days and often take it too seriously.

@Adam ๐ŸŽ @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Arondight @Artorias @ArturCantSpeakJapanese @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Awayeah @B Rabbit @BaboonMihawk @BakiDou @balajiram99 @Balen @Baluzi @BangOO๐Ÿ… @BarbosaXIII @Beerbottle @bennbeckman @Bepo @Bil02 @Blackbeard [ @Cherry Hilk @Chessaddict @Chrono @Cinera @CoC: Color of Clowns @comrade @ConquistadoR @Courier @Cream filled donut7 @Cross_Marian @Crush @Cruxroux @Cutty Jewboy @Cyrus the Cactus @D.Querna @Da evil Who @Daikenki @Dark Admiral @Dark Hound @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @DarkWitch @Date @Debanv @Den_Den_Mushi @Desolate Smaug @Dettles @dirtyLarry @dizzy2341 @djiayebee @DKI @Doggo @Don DaSlayer @Don Diego @Don't Mind Me @DonWick @Draco @Dr_Professor83 @duckman @Ekkologix @Electricmastro @Enma @EtenBoby @Eustass @Franosuke @FaradaySloth @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Fleet Leader Fenaker @FloriGlori @Flower @Flynn @Fn Lucci @Fuckthis3 @Fujishiro @gamaran @Gambit @Ganja userr @garciajulieen @Garp the Fist @Garps tekkai @GeneralP123 @Gensui Sazid @Geo @God Buggy @God_Aizen @Gol D. Roger @Gonโ€™s Missing Arm @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Greenbeard @H3llion @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Hades @HAJI @Halyup @Hanners220 @Hanzo hattori @Hedfi @Herasux @Hereforthesalt @HeroesNZ @Hiragaro @hlo69300 @Hurley Pirates @Iaarm @Ice devil slayer @IceWitch @Ichiro Miyata @ImmaIvanoM @Irregular @Ishin @Jackteo @Jaguark101 @Jailer @januarysdaughter @JazzMazz @Jiihad @JJtheman @Johnny B. Decent @Julius @Just a member @JyThony @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Kagurashii @Kai. Do @KaiHiei @Kejon @kenedyfake @KenshiraSonata @Kenshiro11 @Kerkovian @Kiiro @Kiku @Killer#777 @King4nakama @King7 @KINGKONGGUN15 @Kiwipom @kom5 @KonyaruIchi @Koro @kratosล› @krogothwolf @Kromage911 @Krusher1357 @Kucing Pencuri @kumae @Kuro Ashi @Kurozumi D. Trussop @Kurozumi mugiwara44 @Kurozumi Seven7 @Kurozumi Wiwi @Kurozumi Giggio @kurwa @Kyou @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Law-sama @LayerZ @Lifeismeh @Light D Lamperouge @Lindltaylor @Lion of Olympus @Lizzy @LolonoisZolo @Longleg Larry @Lor D. Coast @Lord_Braggy @Luffy is the mc @m0nst3Rx USER=368]@mad monk[/USER] @Maggi @Malick the last Light @MangoSenpai @Marimo_420 @MarineHQ @Markorus @Mashiro Blue @MasterD @matt245 @Meeyori @Melvin @Midnight Delight @Mighty Action X @milluki @Milou @Missy @mly90 @mmd @Momoheechulkabe9000 @Monarch @Monkey D Theories @MonsterZoro @Mr. Anderson @Mr. Reloaded @mrtsrdr @mugiwalaw @NAMELESS @Nana @Natalija @Necrohol @Nekomamushi @Nibel @Nidai_Kitetsu @nik87 @NikaInParis @NotRanga @NotTommy @nRandle @Oblivion @OnePieceFanGirl @OnePiss @Parker @park_min young @Patryipe @PaulOO @Peenix @Peppercore @Peroroncino @pg13 @Playa4321 @Plex @PuckTheGreat @QQH @qwe @R A I T E I I I @Raiden7 @Ravagerblade @RayanOO @Reborn @Reddot4 @Redhair Le Fishe @ReggieZoldyck21 @Rej @Rivaille @Rottkins @Rukusho @Sade @SakazOuki @Sakazuki-Singh @Sallucion @SDfear @Senfret @Sentinel @Seth @ShadyOjiro @Shanks @SHIHI @ShinichiMugi @ShishioIsBack @Shishi @sidestreetboy @silverfire @Sir Yasheen @SmokedOut @spawn @Thabeast @The White Crane @TheAncientCenturion @TheKnightOfTheSea @thodoris5321 @Tobra @Toph @Topi Jerami @Weeman @Welkin @Yelan @yj @Yo Tan Wa @yorosenpai @Yoru @ZenZu @Zolo @Zoroe @zorojurou @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @zzShinichi @FloriGlori @Leo @DizzyBrows @uyuu @Ravagerblade @Topi Jerami @Akai2 @EtenBoby @PirateKingDrew @Marimo_420 @Seth @Kucing Pencuri @Dark Hound @Arara @Yukihime @Zoro @zorojurou @Luffy bin Dragon @Senfret @sidestreetboy @PerfectHie @Don DaSlayer @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor @Nibel @Yelan @ConquistadoR @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @SHIHI @Yo Tan Wa @Robin swan @Jorden625 @Monkey D Theories @The White Crane @U c 4 up da idly @Astolfo @MUUGEN @Lax @Queek Hea D Taker @Alpha @ShimonoaZoro971 @mugiwalaw @Konstantis @gamaran @Blackknife @zorojurou @Real94 @Kiwipom @sidestreetboy @hayze moya @djiayebee @Wh1p @Dr_Professor83 @DoctorIndigo @Gladwing0 @Alpha @Adam-san @MonochromeYoru @Zoroe @TheKnightOfTheSea @Shadowlord123 @Seth @Butters @Dark Admiral @notAfanboy @Rottkins @PaulOO @NikaInParis @BangOO๐Ÿ… @NAMELESS @Lhulu @TheAncientCenturion @Natalija @RayanOO @Marimo_420 @Lindltaylor @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Jaguark101 @Luffy is the mc @imacub @mly90 @Koinboin @SHIHI @Kromage911 @hedera__helix @Missy @AL sama @I'mTired @Gol D. Roger @Fujishiro @Udell @NotTommy @Usopp Haoshoku Haki @KINGKONGGUN15 @Doggo @Haoshoku @Ekkologix @Fujishiro @SHIHI @SmokedOut @ConquistadoR @Ekkologix @Zara @Vonal ] @SmokedOut @h_zorothegoat @Adam ๐ŸŽ @Sasparan @Queek Hea D Taker @Fugikage Zoro @Fujishiro @Underworld Broker @Liquidhate @matt245 @Zara @Black_Leg_Wanji @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Kagurashii @Yelan @Fujishiro @Rottkins @Law @Sasparan @BornInAbyss @Nibel @Cross_Marian @MonochromeYoru @park_min young @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @wordy @Tobra @Kurozumi Seven7 @Emmazrine @CarrotForNakama @Yelan @Cross_Marian @Meeyori @Rottkins @OnePiss @RayanOO @Doggo @Fujishiro @BornInAbyss @AL sama @Marimo_420 @Kagurashii @Jaguark101 @Lindltaylor @Nibel @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Don Diego @park_min young @Hanners220 @SmokedOut @Udell @ConquistadoR @Rรฉmi @NikaInParis @BornInAbyss @Don Diego @MonochromeYoru @Jaguark101 @Kagurashii @AverageNamiEnjoyer@GrandmasterChef Zonji @Shimotsuki Ghostly @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Cross_Marian @Yelan @Nibel @MonochromeYoru Clowns[/USER] @Jaguark101 @KINGKONGGUN15 @wordy @Nibel @Tobra @Vonal @ShiShiShi @Gehrman @Vanellope Lhea @MonochromeYoru @Udell @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Kurozumi Seven7 @Mashiro Blue @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Monarch @Natalija @Flower @Lindltaylor @Junatic @Lhulu @Dr_Professor83 @Maschenny @Nibel