Controversial Grand Jury indicts MonsterZoro on the muder of Thatguy. Thatfakeuncle charged as an accessory. TRIAL SIGN-UP

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Mr. Reloaded

OJ Simpson's biggest defender

Reporter Reloaded with more breaking news:
Police have uncovered shocking details from accused murderer @MonsterZoro's devices. MonsterZoro's google searches consisted of Mcdonalds Yelp reviews in particular he seemed on one specific Yelp reviewer, the victim @ThatGuy . MonsterZoro allegedly wrote nasty remarks towards the victim as he had a habit of critiquing Big Macs in particular. They also found several searches in regards to guns, like how to discharge one properly.
Police have also debunked one of monsterzoro's alibis where he attempted to use a receipt from McDonald's to prove he was not at the crime scene during the murders. No McDonalds surveillance cameras anywhere in the area has any sighting of the accused on the day leading up to the killings. The receipt in question is also a week old thus does not exonerate the excuse.
The accused also has an opession for the famous vehicle, Tesla a car in which the victim owns. Police are unsure if this is another possible motive.
That's all for the news, Reloaded out!