Why did York Betray Vegapunk?

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Now that you mention it zoro has been in a lot of 2v1 post timeskip
  1. Zoro and tashigi vs monet
  2. Zoro and orlumbus vs pica
  3. Kyoshiro and gyukimaru vs zorojuro
  4. Zoro and x drake vs apoo
  5. Zoro and kaku vs s-hawk
We foreal might even get zoro and sanji vs kizaru
:milaugh:if you bring up these facts , watch how they start making up excuses

Zoro has either beaten nerfed guys or had help to win .
Zoro's only legit 1v1 win is King (cause he's the dumbest unskilled fighter)

But they bash Luffy for having help against Cracker , Doffy, Kata , kaido in order to survive or win.

Zoro had struggled to beat way weaker guys
Then the seraphim are frauds, if sanji can beat them mid diff. The "3" guy that dropped to #4 to the Marines, can beat the most powerful beings in the world. Marines/wg would be idiots to disband the warlords for the #3 guy on pk contender crews to be considerably stronger than the seraphims. You follow me? For this to make sense, we need the handicaps(98%, is a child) + sanji going all out just to win, to be believable than a mid diff like it's a regular Tuesday.
Lmfaoo this just sounds to me like you don’t believe in sanjis strength so you’re scaling him based on that. I’m not gonna tell you what to or not to believe however your argument has flaws in it lol when sanji beats an admiral at the end of the series are you gonna say said admiral is weak too? That’s how you sound like rn. Just because an opponent is facing sanji and getting dogwalked or beat does not make said opponent weak it’s that simple. The issue here is not seraphim’s being mid or frauds it’s with you thinking sanji isn’t THAT powerful lol
I still think Saturn is just here to use the seraphim to fight for him pikmin style

Tho I wouldn't be made if he could fight
Maybe he might make a deal with bonney in order to temporarily make him young so he can fight in his prime
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