Why did York Betray Vegapunk?

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So WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE POINT of early spoilers and them being a complete throw off from any of what happened in the story ..... We got excited as Sanji fans over nothing, Zorotards - whos somehow thought Sanji pinning Seraphim is bad for their boy- where on damage control, Got all excited about the tomorrow for Egghead and for what ? who gains what from all the bullshit that spread ?
Its easy bait zorotards and sanjitards

I was confused at first like some people, but the grey in the space between frames indicate these panels are from the past (anyone to check , space between frames being white : present, space between frames being grey : past)
I have absolutely no idea with Oda drew Luffy in G5 though. Maybe this is from his fight against Kaido?

I was confused at first like some people, but the grey in the space between frames indicate these panels are from the past (anyone to check , space between frames being white : present, space between frames being grey : past)
I have absolutely no idea with Oda drew Luffy in G5 though. Maybe this is from his fight against Kaido?
This indeed from past, narrator just hype up the Egghead incident that will happen and explains why did come to this. He talks that all this begin already 3 months ago
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