Damn guys it feels like the Waramaki agenda has been completely unstoppable since his reveal.

-Negs King and Queen

-Outperforms Kaido’s scabbard feat

-Almost decimates the Pirate alliance until a 3rd Yonko shows up

-Claims he will solo the Red Hair Pirates

-Negs Weevil

-A Yonko admits he cannot defeat Lunarians without cheating while Ryokugyu casually steamrolled King

-Now Shanks may have decimated a 3 billion berry Pirate while also failing to defeat Ryokugyu

Honestly maybe mid top tier for Fujitora and Ryokugyu is downplay, these guys may be no weaker than Aokiji and Kizaru

@MarineHQ @Kurozumi Wiwi @kurwa @SakazOuki
This is just disgusting honestly.
Knowing about him and clashing wnd seeing his strength is completely different. Kaido didn't even know Luffy got that much stronger till he punches him. You have to prove it to Kaido or let him see it
Surely Kaido can scale Mihawk based on his knowledge of Shanks, just like you Zorotards do. Even then, he still doesn't put Mihawk in the "how far can your ceiling go?"
She couldn't put down Kid before Law entered the stage already injured. Then Law held her off while Kid's unfairly getting damaged by Hawkins mid-battle giving Big Mom free hits. There's a limit to how pathetic this can get and how low you can stoop to wank Big Mom.
I don't have time for you
"She couldn't, wouldn't "

She did put kid and law down + their crews

Unless you have Shanks beating Kid + another low top tier + crews , then nothing here proves Shanks > BM
Cause Kaido didn't realize Luffy grow multiple times until he punch him in the face. Kaido more of show me type of guy

What does Luffy growing in strength got to do with Mihawk's title?:christugh:
Luffy didn't have a title. This is a retarded ass point.

You sword boys all claim that Mihawk's title is based PURELY on strength and it is known to everyone that due to him having a title, means he's stronger than Shanks.
So why did Kaido not have Mihawk in his top 5 if he knew how strong Shanks was and by that he should've known Mihawk is stronger due to WSS?

Unless you are saying that WSS title is a pointless joke that nobody cares about:catsure: