Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Blackbeard is a stronger, more relevant, more influential, has actual ties to whitebeard, and is still an active rival to shanks

Mihawk doesn't want to fight shanks, vista, don krieg or anyone halfway relevant. Only reason he joined the world government and now crocodile is because he wants to be left alone

Shanks and teach are actively making moves to become pirate king
vista and don krieg are now relevants:luffylaugh::luffylaugh::luffylaugh::kailaugh::kailaugh::kailaugh:
Nah he definitely has no idea which is weird since he can casually talk with Shaka
Oh then that can definetely lead to something huge when he learns the truth(which I assume he will after that arc one way or another).

Yeah you are right. Kid is just crazy. Hope Law has better role in the final saga.
Yeah same, he's too cool of a character to die before final battle, especially since his dream isn't really becoming a Pirate King, so that'd be kind of anticlimatic. If Kid doesn't die/give up then it could be a nice development for him. After all this kid(no pun intended) is cocky as fuck and he needed someone to teach him to calm down a little. Tho idk what tf is he gonna do after this without poneglyphs (unless Shanks just made a copies instead of straight up stealing his):milaugh:


World's Strongest Swordsman
Blackbeard is a stronger, more relevant, more influential, has actual ties to whitebeard, and is still an active rival to shanks

Mihawk doesn't want to fight shanks, vista, don krieg or anyone halfway relevant. Only reason he joined the world government and now crocodile is because he wants to be left alone

Shanks and teach are actively making moves to become pirate king
Wb never tried to become pirate king same as mihawk
Wb had a world's strongest title so does mihawk
Wb has a supreme grade blade so does mihawk
Wb went from fighting to drinking with Roger
Same as mihawk and shanks
I don't know how people find this good writing

There's literally no real battle.
Like Oda fears spoiling so much about Shanks & Villains (during flashbacks) that he allows himself to write the most stupid battles ever
How does Shanks vs Kid feel like a battle of swordsman or gunman where it is about who lands first their attack.

If you can't spoil Shanks abilities or write a good fight,
Don't make him fight characters you built up as NewGen and destroy him like this.

This is worst than even Oden vs Kaido
It isn't bro. Kidd isn't half as important as Law or Shanks for the story. He's just a cheerleader. Dont act like Kidd is integral to the story, he isn't.
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