Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Lhanks saw his death in the future by Kidd's hands like Mihawk did against Zoro, so he used his strongest attack inherited by his captain to end Kidd before thing got out of hand.
That shows how big a gap between a genuine legend like Mihawk and weak ass Yonko fucks actually is.

Mihawk can see 3 years ahead in future and decides to let the guy who will kill live and trains him
Shanks who is mere yonko, a title Mihawk spits on, decides to cheap shot the guy bout to kill him


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
So Midd is down. I genuinely believe that Law wont be trashed like but who really knows at this point.

Now its time for CG to do something big, every endgame big player did something.
Law will get trashed but in a different way.

Blackbeard is not the same type of fighter as Shanks. I said it in some previous replies.

BB could get buttfucked raped by the whole HS football team and once they finish on him he finally pulls out his trick/attack and wins.
How did anyone think Kid could break through Shanks' impenetrable defence?
Peak CoO, godly CoC

No attack is landing on that man, he's not Big Mom or Kaido.


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
Kaido a beast
  1. Not only is kaido physically a beast without his fruit
  2. Hes a fuckin dragon oni
  3. Plus has advanced forms of all 3 haki
Shanks likely has even more unseen haki skills but thats not enough to be the world's strongest pirate
Lets not forget the fact that Kaido said there was no one alive who could defeat him except Joy Boy. There is also the fact that Shanks was too shook to make any moves until Kaido got defeated. "Shanks top 1" lmao. Kaido would be all in there with no lubricant
Not once he fought seriously.

All those fucking Vista memes you his haters cling to are dead.

He tells Vista to fuck off because he is more interested in watching what Luffy will do cause he's an MC.

None of the Warlords went all out or tried to kill WB pirates. For some reason it's only a problem with Mihawk.
We have Mihawk himself stating that he wont hold back but somehow his fans still create the headcanon that he wasn't trying in Marineford lmfao

It’s a pirate fight
Do you kids know wtf a pirate is? No pirate fight is fair

They are scumbags, thieves, looters, murderers ect;

Stop with this dumbass “cheapshotting” nonsense

Oda said it through the story multiple times. No pirate fight is fair, simple
Lmao as if you Sanjifucks aren't foaming out your mouth

zOrO cheAPshoTted ApOO
zOrO chEapShotted Kaido

Fuck Outta here with this garbage lmao, is Zoro not a pirate now?
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