Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Formerly Seth

Mihawk has on-screen feats, they're all just terrible, hence why Mihawk stans have been leeching off of Shanks feats and portrayal for over two decades at this point lmao.
Not once he fought seriously.

All those fucking Vista memes you his haters cling to are dead.

He tells Vista to fuck off because he is more interested in watching what Luffy will do cause he's an MC.

None of the Warlords went all out or tried to kill WB pirates. For some reason it's only a problem with Mihawk.
It would kill Zoro, Rayleigh and Mihawk at the same time. Cry.
I know your feelings are hurt but that's just the truth.

Someone as weak as Oden who got one shot by Hakiless nameless club swing no sold the same attack from MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH stronger Haki user.

It would be wrong to suggest that slash can even wake Zoro up from his nap.
Zoro probably deals with that attack like this

I don't get the point of a random ass side character to 2nd most important character in the series. Zoro's bandana literally has 100 times more panel time than Shanks.
Comparing a mid ass attack with no adcoc haki from Kaido and a Linlin you lot admitted was below the likes of King to a pk level attack..... yeah fuck off
You get out of here with that BS. Hakai required Kaido and Big Mom working together and using their full strength. Kaido had to check with Big Mom to make sure she still had the power, wasn't too old, to perform hakai even though when they fought she could slip the sky with him.

Hakai had all the SN running scared for their lives except for Zoro. Hybrid Kaido TB attack, that contains ACoC, couldn't knock Zoro out and caused him less damage than hakai.

Stay mad and keep coping.
I'm still on copium, bro
The fight is still dragging on
Fun fact, I disliked Bakugo in the beginning, but warmed up to him after his character development
So I'm looking forward to some good ending

MHA as a whole went downhill after the U.A. School Festival Arc if you ask me. I really liked that one, probably because it gave a break from all the craziness that had happened with Overhaul (that fight gave me goosebumps when I watched it). Most of the characters were given some sort of role as well, and I thought the concert with Jiro was kind of cool.

We don’t see much of Eri anymore, so when we do I feel happy. She is very cute. :smoothy:

Formerly Seth

Just because Midd could use an attack that can damage fodder Giants and destroy rocks & stones doesnt mean anything.

The fact is he got 1shotted like a small fry.
My point exactly.

There are 84538458458458954 characters who have attacks that would ruin Elbaf and its citizens and they are no fucking challenge and more of pests for Shanks than actual fighters.

Narrator negs Kidd appreciators anyway with the final statement.
He doesn't have a new fighting style tard
How you know that?
he's been nothing but a swordsman for over 30 years
He was 27 when he lost an arm, and you take out like 10 years because he was a child and you get generous 17yrs AT BEST he was swordsman if he started from age 10 :milaugh:

That's about the same years as East Blue Zolo being a swordsman
Because they aren't comparing mihawk now to shanks back then you dumb shit it's current yonko shanks
.... tell me how they are comparing him to Yonko Shanks if Mihawk never fought yonko Shanks, bozo?
Branew wouldn't say mihawk has superior sword skill to kaido who has none because it doesn't mean anything
Maybe because Kaido never used a sword.... Meanwhile 1 bil Shanks did?
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