Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Exactly, Buggy's bounty is a gag. You can't use that to compare it to Shank's bounty or the other bounties.
Croc and mihawk joining gave buggy 3.1b
Shanks without his empire would be 3b at best
Headcanon much? Lol, where did you pull that figure out of. Luffy's without the SHs would be 1 bn at best. Zoro's bounty without his crew would be 5 million at best. I can also pull these bounties out of my ass. Kaido's bounty without his crew would be 2.9 bn at best. Let's keep going.
At the time it was given it was above 3 of the yonko

As a subordinate when he isn't one.
Just given on his strength alone
If they knew he was co leader his threat level goes up and his bounty shoots up
Okay, so then it's not his swordsmanship pushing it up, but the fact that he is a leader. Nothing to do with swordsmanship. You just defeated your own argument. Well done!
You are a selective reader. I get it. It's funny you post that gif but you literally do the same.

I know what Mihawk said. Did he follow that up with actually doing as he said? No.

What will be your excuse once Oda proves to you that Mihawk is not a small fry?

Will you got Oda a liar or double down on his "Marineford Mihawk portrayal"?

I get the memes, I meme a lot too but this is cringe at this point.

You are copying that sweaty mfker Erkan's tactics.
He said he wouldn't hold back and then didn't, you're the one creating a headcanon that he was using 2% of his power or something.

It'll never happen, Oda's clearly going to worm his way out of including Shanks in Mihawk's title, it's abundantly clear that Shanks is his self-insert, he's not going to make Shanks look bad just to make Mihawk look good, especially since we've already seen just how badly Oda can make Mihawk look in Marineford lol.
Tbh I am not even sure if Shanks can beat King and Queen at the same time like Green Bull did

We all know Green Bull didn't wanna fight Shanks and his entire crew (which Carries Shanks weak ass) at the same time.
Green Bull probably mid/high diffs Shanks tbh
Do you think saying stupid shit enough times will make it any more believable?:usoprice:
Shanks shat all over GB. You have to be eating crayons on a daily basis to say GB can mid/high diff someone he is clearly inferior to.

Is this how peanut brains work? You can't distinguish between dreams and reality?:risitameh:
It'll never happen, Oda's clearly going to worm his way out of including Shanks in Mihawk's title, it's abundantly clear that Shanks is his self-insert, he's not going to make Shanks look bad just to make Mihawk look good, especially since we've already seen just how badly Oda can make Mihawk look in Marineford lol.
I wanna see a panel where Mihawk looks this bad
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