Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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He was right.
Kid got everything he achieved by is own bare hands. While luffy more or less the world gets gifted. He gets a god DF for free, gets legendary trainiers and mentors for free, has legendary genetics, no consequences at all when beaten up 100 times.

Kid fought for everything against all odds and with real consequences when he is failing. Still he got this far. He deserved way more than you people aknowledge.
He deserved shit. He got an insane plot armor against Big Mom who was nerfed af. He never got any decent W against a powerful opponent in 1 vs 1.

Overrated af since the starting. He deserved this end. You just forgot that Oda took inspiration from William Kid the unlukiest pirate that ever existed, but wanted him to be the endgame rival of Luffy and superior of Zoro when Luffy and Zoro were way ahead.

Simply ? Because they are the protagonists. Should never compare them with side kicks.
This is a good answer, especially if it can be justified by exploring their backstories and leading to future plotwork, rather than attempting to sacrifice Shanks for BBs character.

I say this because Shanks' ulterior motives are not known (or why Oda would have the Gorosei scene in the first place) unlike Blackbeards (whos weve known since pre-TS). This is why i cannot see an avenue where Oda draws them fighting then removes Shanks from the One Piece/LT plotline, especially since hes so involved in it.
I never wondered about the fight length or if individual fights betw bb commanders and RHP officers would happen
It just always felt like Oda was building these nasty guys up to just completely finesse the RHPs
That In it self would be a flex and shanks crew wouldn’t necessarily have to be the hypetool horse that gets physically beaten but rather the mind games, and strategies teach and goons employ would completely wash them
So 1-3 chapters max for the defeat of the entire RHP, but with id say 5 chapters minimum of explaining abilities, tactical plays, under handed tactics, etc that Teach would use

And eventually strawhats would show them up with a mix of their brute strength and cleverness
What’s wrong with that? It’s a fast paced thread and I want to share the W
You got bodied and this is your answer. Prime Chinjao decimates the Moria of this generation, tough reality
Imagine playing a strawman with Chinjao the Blud to cope some imaginary win. :gokulaugh:have you forgotten the tears from your Legion when Greenlol after getting embarrassed by Momo and Yamato, got hands-up diffed by Shanks 10 miles away in his own ship? The RAGE that caused Admiral wankers to deflect or to seethe ragequit?

Even TWO Admirals make like little bitches in front of Shanks when he gets mad. They are NOTHING compared to high top tiers if all it takes is a bit of CoC to scare them. :risitavirus:
Again a downed tiger is a harmless one already, they could have captured but chose to kill. Something Shanks whole MO with his speeches. Why waste precious lives when the fight is over? He said thay all the way back from Marineford and said it the same thought against GB.
Sorry mate but that's reaching, just gotta accept that Dorry and Brogy are those guys. The proud warriors of Elbaf.
Shanks did his thing they did their thing, Kidd pirates picked up the fight even tho they were given the option to run beforehand. The moment Shanks saw the future what Kidd was gonna do it was over for him
Again a downed tiger is a harmless one already, they could have captured but chose to kill. Something Shanks should be against with judging from his speeches. Why waste precious lives when the fight is over? He said that all the way back from Marineford and said the same thought against GB.
Koby said that.

Shanks literally said him and his crew would step up and fight anyone who wanted to keep fighting. Injured people and all.
Oh yeah great point! It took some serious damage from Akainus meteor fist spam, I think it was mentioned as destroyed too. "A captain goes down with his ship" and Whitebead died then too ofc, so its fitting if the Moby went with him too. It was his main ship too. Wiki says its destroyed too.

Akainu with that highest kill count as far as I remember and destroying a Yonkos flagship and killing said Yonko too, what a legend lol. Well Akainu did MOST of the work by far ofc, the most fatal/important damage.

Right? Despite what happened to Kidd, it was necessary for a great impactful moment imo, to really show the stakes/tension and that Shanks and Elbaf are not to be fucked with.
Its made the story exciting again, like how Kizaru and Saturn showed up but still havent arrived for months IRL now lol. People even joke that the BB ship will arrive before they do lmao.

I think this is being done to teach Kidd the value of true loss, losing what truly matters to you and actual consequences. Worse than just getting wrecked and jailed by Kaido and having Killer forced to eat a Smile. A true escalation.

Shanks' quote is gonna be extremely relevant here and its gonna be Kidd's biggest make or break moment:

Is he gonna give up and cope like Moria, Crocodile and that one filler pirate captain from Luffys flashback, who Roger slayed the crew of apparently? Or this his chance to be reborn and come out as someone better, wiser, more humble, stronger etc? This is where Kidd truly needs to grow up and embrace manhood/becoming an adult. This is what will make him as a person, a man, a captain and whatever he chooses to be and becomes in future too.

He's merely 23 years old too. He's in his prime agewise and has DECADES of life left potetially to live, to make progress and even success. He has SO MUCH he can do with his life if he lives on and chooses to live on and carry on too.

There's so much Oda could do with him and Kidd could do for himself but its whether that will happen. If its not relevant to the plot, we're not gonna get/see it anyway ofc but maybe a cover story for him EVENTUALLY or something? Or we'll see Kidd stuck at Elbaf if the SHs do go there as they're supposed to and we have a VERY interesting interaction with Kidd and Luffy over Shanks, especially what just happened? I wonder if Shanks will wait for Luffy at Elbaf or just pursue the OP regardless?
I'm not reading allat but Akainu technically only has 2 kills not including the random marine he turned on because he was just being a retard and the marine was too fearful to run.
Imagine playing a strawman with Chinjao the Blud to cope some imaginary win. :gokulaugh:have you forgotten the tears from your Legion when Greenlol after getting embarrassed by Momo and Yamato, got hands-up diffed by Shanks 10 miles away in his own ship?

Even TWO Admirals make like little bitches in front of Shanks when he gets mad. They are NOTHING compared to high top tiers if all it takes is a bit of CoC to scare them. :risitavirus:
This chapter shows Shanks is on a different level

BM went all out against Kid and couldn’t 1 shot him like this.
Its absolutely hilarious that all these months the Zoro/Mihawk haters tried their best that Shanks is a hakiman.

This is the final nail in the coffin.

I cant even imagine what new ridiculous excuses they will come up now.
they're saying kamusari is not a slash attack

Even if kamusari didn't cut kidd, they forgot ryuou exists, and that a swordsmaster can choose what to cut and not to cut
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