Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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I believe that when it's time to fight Luffy for One Piece, Shanks will invite Cross Guild. Because Luffy, at the peak of his power alongside his fleet and allies, I don't think Shanks will be confident of facing him solely with what he currently have.
Its not about faith or thinking he is gone forever. Its the complete disrespect here which triggers me. Oda completely destroyed everything Kid stands for, crushing his dream completely, before even trolls him by explicity saying "he is 100% fit" and "shanks fleet is the weakest of the yonkos", making his crew begging, giving the RPs, getting one shot, destroying the Victoria Punk like its nothing... Thats just completely shitting on Kid and his crew.
I agree. I'm not saying that Kid should have win, but jesus at least let him fight back for a while like Law is doing. Kid got totally destroyed in every sense and I don't wont to be replied with "Oda skipped that because we are in the final saga and he do not have time for this".

No fucking way, if he wanted he could have taken his time to show at least half chapter of real battle. Kid fought Big Mom and I don't want to think Shanks is so better than her in every way.

But maybe Kid will come back, or at least it is what I hope because his defeat feels cheap and rushed as hell, taking in consideration how much screentime he got in the last years. At least give him a proper fight, not a one sided defeat.
Shanks defeating kid is not wrong here. Shanks one shoting kid, killer and his entire crew is wrong here
Again, its not about being defeated or being "destroyed" or even "die". Its about the how. He got beaten and deleted here like a random pirate which appeared for the first time.
Ok, if Shanks is just hypetool for BB it is wrong move. But if Shanks is Aizen, and he is actually real Luffy's enemy, than it is different story. I believe that Shanks wants to crush Pirates Dreams by destroying source of Pirates Power, - the One Piece, for that case he used Luffy to find it. So everything depends on plot and what next will going on.
Fun fact

Oden Pre Roger Trip was significantly weaker than Prime Oden vs Kaido
With Prime Oden being at best a mid top tier, Pre Roger Oden is a low top tier

Still that Oden endured without much problem the attack that (in a possibly weaker version, as Shanks is weaker than Roger) ONESHOTTED Kid

I want to say that Kid is a low top tier like Law, Zoro, old Rayleigh, Sabo, Yamato etc
But by feats...

What's to say... life isn't easy when you can't 2v1 Big Meme together with your buddy
Law fans Law fans, be careful, y'all getting cocky when you're next in the list.

Let Law prove himself first, or regret it


The Rogue Prince
That thrills you doesn’t it?
Too bad :suresure:
Yes. Cant wait to see the meltdown.
I still like Law more than Kidd though fwiw.

Thats already over.He did good moves against Fatbeard unlike Kid against Oda Shanks
Against someone who preTs Luffy landed a hit against?
Watch him get Gura'd to oblivion.

Shanks and BB are in collision course.


Heavy Metal
In all seriousness, do you think he can recover from this? And I don't just mean that in the sense of coming back into the fight or physically, like reputation-wise as well for being trashed on so hard by Oda
Oda would need to invest a lot of time, panel and story into Kid and his crew for that. His behavior before doesnt imply this in my opinion. I hope he does, but Odas behavior so far is a pure insult in that direction.
The foreshadowing indicated that Law and crew were going to target BB's crew and put them in the ocean. I see that as a distraction enough for Law and crew to escape. Law will probably then come back to team with SHs.
I can dig that. Law has helped Luffy, been with him for a long ass time, so to die when Luffy's not around is not happening. He may as well sacrifice himself for Luffy's cause after learning about the will of D. in the final war. He can still be a sword member. He has many unfinished plots as compared to Kidd who had none.


Kitetsu Wanker
@ConquistadoR @nik87 @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Sentinel

We can clearly state that King has superior feat&potrayed than Mid due to his previous encounter with Shanks&Crew with Kaido

the 2 alone faced red shanks pirate without ending their career or getting any scar or losing the bdsm suit & mask that king uses to hide his true identity (the last lunarian):myman:

King vs Shanks it ends without getting KO or any particular damage let alone his mask:steef:

Midd vs Shanks 1 single move ended him and his right hand man and the cew fainted due to the coc blast :milaugh:

note King clearly knows what coating coc is, he saw that from Kaido and possible from Shanks too
Kidd and King shouldnt be in the same sentence.
The way Shanks treated Kidd is good how badly Zoro would treat him.
Zoro will warm up against mihawk for shiliew :cheers:
That would be disastrous for Shanks.
Not only would Zoro and Mihawk be above him but Shiryu as well... :crazwhat:
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