Just wait until you get to Ringo and Blackmore too! I would mention some other things but no major spoilers ofc! "True Man's World" is gonna hit different though...I also hope you like "rain" or "catching the rainbow"!

Lets just say, it will be "scary"...
I have some bad news for you about
stopping time too....

Shit will get very chaotic and confusing but also epic later too anyway! As per Jojo ofc!
Also I gotta post these since we're having a SBR thread! (Watch out for spoilers in comments though, best to avoid the comments!):
Alternate version of Holy Steel (MAJOR SPOILERS):
MAJOR Spoilers again:
Jojo fan content is SO GODLY! Along with One Piece! We are extremely blessed by not only their authors but the fanbase even in this regard too! Its absoslutely phenomenal stuff! Make me feel truly privileged/lucky to be part of these fanbases!
