Questions & Mysteries What would You guys do if Zoro kills Kaido?


World's Strongest Swordsman
That's not the point,
What if Oda decided that Zoro doesn't need a big fight this arc

And he wanted his role to be "aiding Hiyori and Momo" get their revenge on Orochi by accompanying them

Basically maybe defeating Orochi only or maybe one extra opponent who was guarding Orochi like the Mimawarigumi leader for example...

I think from story perspective... it works... but from viewers perspective, we all will hate it.. don't you think?
Again i genuinely think this is a no go. Imo i think oda will make odens two swords play a part against the two tyrants of wano.
We know from what kawamatsu said to onimaru swords passed on inherit will. (Even with zoro taking wado)
And momomosukes sword the ame no habikiri is the snake slayer sword the sword literally famed in japan for slaying the yamata no orochi so its pretty obvious who that will be used against.
Which leaves enma the sword solely hyped for cutting kaido by oda despite both being used to do so, in zoros hands and i think it will be used to help defeat kaido.

by the way, I promoted Luffy x Zoro vs Kaido at one time

Just because I'm Sanji fan, it doesn't mean I hate Zoro or never want him to shine

It just means I want my boy Sanji to get some shine befits his position on the crew as one of the top fighters

And I think Oda has been neglecting the crew waaaaay too much on the account of "wanting to draw many characters and character designs"

That the panels are being wasted on unimportant side characters who will not last more than one arc... while only allowing Luffy to shine from SHs while the SH crew are shining through doing somethig we ALREADY know..

Like, how does Chopper shine? By putting some bandages Lol

Don't tell me he's shining as a doctor by fucking doig the obvious as doctor! Make him do some extraordinary shit as doctor like treating some imcurable shit, or by making him treat smile DF failures which has DF reasoning which is complex..

Don't bring me someoe with poison, or a woud, then tell me "OMG, Chopper shined here"

How about having a fast healing property? Something like Tsunade form agaist Madara, that's impressive

Point is, crew have been repeatedly doing someone we ALL expect them to do anyway because they have done it in the past

While only Luffy is doing the unexpected and bring new shit to the table...
If Wano ended on same notion.. then fuck this war arc
I agree most of what you wrote but one a few things, Luffy is barely bringing anything new to the table besides just the obvious stuff... something new to me would be a changing of his fighting style a little bit or tweaked with an added weapon or something. Luffy while getting new things still feels pretty stale. In fact all the Strawhats feel stale.


Lead them to paradise.
I would drop One Piece if the SH crew (excluding Luffy) did not get their proper shine

zoro beating Kaido is making one of the crew aside from Luffy shine.

If Zoro/Sanji final match is fucking flying 6 member like for example Pageone and you expect me to love this show? Then yeah, Oda can go fuck himself with his boring ass manga
So youd rather he just throws logic and powerscalling out of the window and have zoro beat kaido?
Again i genuinely think this is a no go. Imo i think oda will make odens two swords play a part against the two tyrants of wano.
We know from what kawamatsu said to onimaru swords passed on inherit will. (Even with zoro taking wado)
And momomosukes sword the ame no habikiri is the snake slayer sword the sword literally famed in japan for slaying the yamata no orochi so its pretty obvious who that will be used against.
Which leaves enma the sword solely hyped for cutting kaido by oda despite both being used to do so, in zoros hands and i think it will be used to help defeat kaido.
This is all well and good and awesome

All I'm saying is Oda BETTER bring is S plus game in this arc with EACH SH member

Otherwise, he burried his manga

Specially with all his statements about "wait until we reach that point in story"

" wano arc will justify the journey each SH had"

" Wano war bigger than MF"

" Wano Wano Wano Wano"

We've been patient... giving every excuse for neglecting SHs, manga not living up to the hype, and we're still waiting

If he ends the arc, and there are SH members who didn't shine properly... then he failed..

Specially since ALL arcs in New World has been leading to Wano war:

1- Fishman Island: Luffy declared war on BM/ asking jinbe to join!

2- Punk Hazard: Destroyed SAD, first ally (Law) objective is ultimately bring down Kaido

Dressrosa: Took down Kaido's business partner, took down Smiles, gained SH Grand Fleet

Zou: Connection to Red Scabbard, jack/Kaido, forming alliances, poneglyph... etc!

WCI: restoring Sanji while angerig BM to brig her to Wano arc, Jinbe finally cut ties to join the crew in Wano... plus got their poneglyph copy

Wano: Finally we are here

Everything was leadig to this, if it disappoints... I think there is no excuse, no matter how appogist will try to twist it


Lead them to paradise.
Again i genuinely think this is a no go. Imo i think oda will make odens two swords play a part against the two tyrants of wano.
We know from what kawamatsu said to onimaru swords passed on inherit will. (Even with zoro taking wado)
And momomosukes sword the ame no habikiri is the snake slayer sword the sword literally famed in japan for slaying the yamata no orochi so its pretty obvious who that will be used against.
Which leaves enma the sword solely hyped for cutting kaido by oda despite both being used to do so, in zoros hands and i think it will be used to help defeat kaido.
Bruno is the GOAT