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What could have been...
Psylocke: Flower -> Michelle -> Ekkologix
Kiku: Dr_Professor83 -> Ultra -> Ekkologix
MangoSenpai: Kobe -> Pot Goblin -> Peroroncino -> Unvote -> Charlie -> Ekkologix
Lord Melkor: Dr_Professor83 -> TheAncientCenturion -> Adam -> Ekkologix
UwU: Ekkologix

@Psylocke @Kiku @MangoSenpai @Lord Melkor @~UwU~

any of u have questions for me? not like im hiding or anything

i'll consider this dismissed if none asks me something in the next idk 30 mins to an hour
Psylocke: Flower -> Michelle -> Ekkologix
Kiku: Dr_Professor83 -> Ultra -> Ekkologix
MangoSenpai: Kobe -> Pot Goblin -> Peroroncino -> Unvote -> Charlie -> Ekkologix
Lord Melkor: Dr_Professor83 -> TheAncientCenturion -> Adam -> Ekkologix
UwU: Ekkologix

@Psylocke @Kiku @MangoSenpai @Lord Melkor @~UwU~

any of u have questions for me? not like im hiding or anything

i'll consider this dismissed if none asks me something in the next idk 30 mins to an hour
My main question: why did you vote for me, and then say you have no idea what the case against me is, and then ask me to explain the "wagon" on me(a "wagon" consisting solely of Prof and Yourself)
Steady on, now. It's Bleach, not exactly prestige literature.
Psylocke: Flower -> Michelle -> Ekkologix
Kiku: Dr_Professor83 -> Ultra -> Ekkologix
MangoSenpai: Kobe -> Pot Goblin -> Peroroncino -> Unvote -> Charlie -> Ekkologix
Lord Melkor: Dr_Professor83 -> TheAncientCenturion -> Adam -> Ekkologix
UwU: Ekkologix

@Psylocke @Kiku @MangoSenpai @Lord Melkor @~UwU~

any of u have questions for me? not like im hiding or anything

i'll consider this dismissed if none asks me something in the next idk 30 mins to an hour
Well, for starters you can give your reads.

I need to go to sleep though.


The End and the Beginning
There is no such thing as 'didn't think my position through'. I stated my opinion on the matter when addressing one of pero posts. You are the one who took my post and spinned it side ways. I called you out on it, you deflected, and now you make it is some real concern of mine when it's really not. It's something I note while reading from players. I notice behaviors, which I take note in my database.

There was not initial argument and you didn't bake anything. You took my post and made it seem I was talking about the entire thing when I specifically stated the early stages of it. Nor am I dismissing the wagon, I had pero as scum lean myself with that give up attitude of his and thought his wagon later into the game was fine, but early on it was oppurtunistic.

I don't appreciate you spinning things and make it seem something that is not to fit your own agenda here.
You really don't get to make this argument. Your initial claim was that the wagon on Pero was opportunistic, early on. You hav, to date, failed to qualify this. You originally used this to shade both Ultra and myself, but then you seem awfully keen to move Ultra's name out of it and focus on my reasoning. The problem here, is that you use my reasoning to disregard the early formation of the wagon as "opportunistic" - ignoring that it didn't actually form based on what I said. You're either going to have to reconcile this, or I will see to it that your stay in this game is a short one.
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