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What could have been...
Bleach is just DBZ with ghosts and swords. Cool character designs, cool stylistically, and the anime has pretty good music.

The *plot* is absolutely nothing to write home about, fighting over which arc is better is like debating over which fast food chain you prefer
bleach has some of the best shonen fights tbh, i think thats its strong point. more so than plot


The End and the Beginning
Ultra gets prop for creating discussion by pressuring people sure, but that does not take away the fact that the early vote itself was oppurtunistic and escape goat for the slaughter. Also, no you brought up his name after you stated that the original reason for the early wagon was due to his interactions and flower lynch, being indecisive and hedged his bets. Which then I call you out on it that it was not the case and that I remember you specifically voting him over the joke. You even quoted him for it. You then come ahead and deflect the argument by saying 'Ultra and other people did it as well'. Deflecting.

Plus, I find it weird how you have issue with me stating my opinion about your approach regarding his slot early on and now making it seem like I have some 'real concern' with it. It's merely a thing I took note of and will be taken into consideration later on when more information pops up.
I have issue when I don't think you're really thought your position through. It's pretty easy to discredit early wagons on the basis of their reasoning, we are after all working from nothing. I don't really think you get to say I'm deflecting here either when the issue I have is baked into your initial argument. At best, you can say my reasoning was opportunistic, but that doesn't mean you get to dismiss the wagon out of hand.


What could have been...
like soul society arc's best moment was lowkey ishida vs mayuri no cap

liked that fight

ichigo's fight with renji and ikkaku were good too

rest were crap plot armor lol

ichigo beats renji, ishida beats mayuri and they go home. no more. even beating byakuya is a stretch

and the funny thing is he is fighting the captains one by one. broooo

they r like in an ant nest and they r fighting ant captains 1 by 1 instead of being swarmed

like shudnt all the captains just gang on them and put them in their place


What could have been...
imagine sending fken part 1 choji, ino, tenten, kurenai, asuma to the akatsuki hideout where all 9+ akatsuki are there and tell them hey rescue this guy and get out

and they do it

and u call that the best arc


What could have been...
imagine sending fken part 1 choji, ino, tenten, kurenai, asuma to the akatsuki hideout where all 9+ akatsuki are there and tell them hey rescue this guy and get out

and they do it

and u call that the best arc
dont forget aizen itachi suddenly reveals he was a traitor all along just to thicken the plot

10/10 arc
I have issue when I don't think you're really thought your position through. It's pretty easy to discredit early wagons on the basis of their reasoning, we are after all working from nothing. I don't really think you get to say I'm deflecting here either when the issue I have is baked into your initial argument. At best, you can say my reasoning was opportunistic, but that doesn't mean you get to dismiss the wagon out of hand.
There is no such thing as 'didn't think my position through'. I stated my opinion on the matter when addressing one of pero posts. You are the one who took my post and spinned it side ways. I called you out on it, you deflected, and now you make it is some real concern of mine when it's really not. It's something I note while reading from players. I notice behaviors, which I take note in my database.

There was not initial argument and you didn't bake anything. You took my post and made it seem I was talking about the entire thing when I specifically stated the early stages of it. Nor am I dismissing the wagon, I had pero as scum lean myself with that give up attitude of his and thought his wagon later into the game was fine, but early on it was oppurtunistic.

I don't appreciate you spinning things and make it seem something that is not to fit your own agenda here.
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