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Alright so where to begin, let's start with the elephant of the room.

Ultra, I thougth some of his early pushes felt oppurtunistic, but liked how he pressured multiple people and got conversations going. Felt his early was weak but got better as the game progressed and asked thought provoking questions to try and gauge out players. I initially had him as null until later into the game where he started entering my town lean. His back and forth with ratchet I thought he looked better in that interaction. Then he hit with with neighbor chat, and surprise surprise the first words out of his mouth is that he demands a claim immediatly after he provide an undisputed proof (spoiler alert, whatever he provided is not undisputed proof). The way he approached the entire thing stinks, I do not appreciate people who knocks on my door and threaten to lynch me if I don't claim. That's now how the world works and he immediatly hopped into the thread and started boasting about how he has something on me. When he didn't, he simply didn't like that I was wary of the entire situation and that I won't give information out willingly. I am not a person who claims and I won't do it because a person demands it from me. Especially in a threatning matter and I won't claim, not now. Not ever. He honestly brought this entire thing on himself, and I have no sympathy if it bites him in the back. Don't fuck with me and try and do some theatre play. He did it once and costed town doctor role. I have every right to be wary of neighboring chat, especially with past few games scum having abilities like these and Flower used something similar to AL last game I played. So I have every right to be wary of everything said to me in such situation. Ultra effectively burned any chance of cooperating with me with the way he approached the situation. Know your audience before engaging with them. With that being said, I do see town him making such plays tbh, make these bravado plays and think he hit the jackpot. I can tell he is frustrated and using empathy now to push his objective but little does he know that at worst this is lose lose situation to town, and at best it's him flipping scum. There is no inbetween here and the only winners out of this stupid play of his is scum here. I am right now currently leaning on him being more town side than scum tbh. Despite his bad play I do see him doing something like this as town unfortunately since I seen him do something like that in the past.

Michelle, early game was michelle was honestly scummy. I didn't like how she was picking apart my posts and replyng to things specifically out of context. Plus her actions what she did early on was contradicatory to her statements, regarding inactivity and blaming other people to take things out of context when she herself was doing so. Her pocket attempt at ratchet early on wasn't the best either. However I feel like her later posts looked much better, I liked her iso on appollo and I felt like she was fiercy in defending herself and contributing on scum hunting. Def got some townie vibes from her as the game goes on. Willing to give her a town lean for now, but if I notice some slow down in her play then that will be good indication that I misjudged. So I hope she keeps the momentoum going.

X, he is active and contributing/scum hunting on the thread. One thing I use to try to gauge X alignment is to see if I usually nod my head when I read his posts, does his logic make sense? is he scum hunting from a town POV? and I found myself nodding with his posts and thought process, we had a mind melt at one point which is usually a good sign, so don't mind putting him to town lean for now.

Broker, not sure what to make of her faking that PR yet. She did not answer my question on why she was faking a PR but I liked how she was actively scum hunting. She had confidence aura, although i had a stronger town read on her because I thought the PR indicated to a specific character and with that going away, I do still have her as town lean purely based on the content of her posts so far which I thought was good enough to warrant a town lean.

Mango, as stated earlier, I thought that mango was geninuely trying to figure things out and him questioning adam looked geniune to me. I also liked how he reflected on his own posts and acknowledged that he voted for pero for the wrong reasons. I thought that scum mango wouldn't really make such posts tbh. I would like to see more of him though.

Lind, looking over his posts he seems calm, collected, and not afraid to engage and call people out on wrong reasoning when needed. I didn't really feel any malicious intentions behind his posts and the way he broke down his reads were logical and made sense. I don't remember much from the last time we played together. I feel like if he is scum then he is doing a pretty good job. Looking forward to see more of him tbh.

I will be breaking those into multiple posts to not make a huge wallie.
You're being dishonest inherently. You're drawing a false equivalence to an earlier game which has no bearing - there's a very clear distinction and difference here and the fact that you're not cooperating is just not good. If town knew the facts of the matter and were forced to weigh in they would probably side against you. Pretty much the only thing going on your favor right now is nonchalance - they're too busy sucking on their thumbs to realize I have a cornered scum flopping like a fish over here.

No, I am not being dishonest at the slightest here. You are the one who is coming here gun blazing demanding things and threatning from the get go. You need to know your audience before you engage with them. You are the one who refused any sort of cooperation not me. You are the one who burned any bridge of cooperation with your silly threats and your theatre play. This is mafia we playing here, anyone who comes and demand a claim out of me will be brought into questioning. You have no one but yourself to blame here. I told you we can discuss and see how things play out. You are the one who needs to earn my trust not me. You are the one who came knocking to my door steps, not me. You don't come and start throwing threats and then do this theatre play. There is so many ways this could of gone and you decided to only play with fire here knowing how stubborn I am as a person when it comes to claiming. Do you know how many games I seen scum having neighbor chat abilities? you honestly don't want me to be wary? why? it's my job to question things. Put yourself in my shoes, would you claim immediatly if I came to you and start threatning you from the get go? try to intimidate you to fold? that my work on some other players but not me and I am baffled you thought such thing would work on me. You should know better.

You didn't corner anyone, you just too hung up on your pride at this point if you are indeed townie. You are flopping left and right cause things didn't go the way you anticipated. 'Oh I am annoyed, I threatned SK to claim and he didn't do it!! how could he do this!!! scum!!!' this is how you sound right now.
can you point me to the direction of said post you are referring?

i mean when i dont have much to go off of i can make assumptions, never did i come any real conclusion.

i dont care for timezones we are all on different ones yet we can choose to participate when we can at the end of the day we all have the same hrs in a day.

so you dont plan on giving any reads or thoughts?
It's about who can be scum Mafia teams post, why don't you chck 40-41 page i remember you also made a post on it. Ofcrs if you want unnecessary discussion arround it you can quote them in your next post,

Yeah but you can't expect me to show up when I'm sleeping and provide reads when i haven't caught up just cause i made a claim which might make me sus to others?

Also you being free to play Mafia =/= me having the same time of day course to play it. That's why i asked for a summary, and it's not like i haven't attempted to play the game.

Duh don't mistake my claim to have been under pressure or sus. I plan on playing so you'll have my thoughts and reads as game goes on, not this way.


It's about who can be scum Mafia teams post, why don't you chck 40-41 page i remember you also made a post on it. Ofcrs if you want unnecessary discussion arround it you can quote them in your next post,
because i cant read your mind and im not going to search through 41 pages of nonsense to try and find a post that made you sacred if claiming your own role.
Yeah but you can't expect me to show up when I'm sleeping and provide reads when i haven't caught up just cause i made a claim which might make me sus to others?
did i ever ask you to show up or did i ask you to give anything more than where you ended?

last i checked it was specifically stated up til page 41 or wherever you last left off on.
Also you being free to play Mafia =/= me having the same time of day course to play it. That's why i asked for a summary, and it's not like i haven't attempted to play the game.
who says im free i just get bored doing others and come join here i mean i was nt even playing the first half of the this phase i came shitposted for like 5 mins and dipped and only began really playing today.

stop doing this stupid attempt of deflecting and creating false narratives ive already had enough of that with ratchet.
Duh don't mistake my claim to have been under pressure or sus. I plan on playing so you'll have my thoughts and reads as game goes on, not this way.
yawn, never even mentioned you being under pressure nor did i even care for your claim.

once again with the stupidity and failure to cooperate. for someone who was stating to catch up and give thoughts you sure dont have much for reading 41 full pages. pathetic.
Good morning!
We policy lynch Ekko for his flavor talk?

Someone role crushed me. if it's from town is a bad choice.
If it's from scum I am right about Muugen. I will go with the second one, town should understand what my intentions are in this game and not use role crush on me.
Good morning!
We policy lynch Ekko for his flavor talk?

Someone role crushed me. if it's from town is a bad choice.
If it's from scum I am right about Muugen. I will go with the second one, town should understand what my intentions are in this game and not use role crush on me.
I have a gut feeling that you are a town and if you are role crushed, hint towards the one that may have role crushed you. Who do you think needs to be voted?
No, I am not being dishonest at the slightest here. You are the one who is coming here gun blazing demanding things and threatning from the get go. You need to know your audience before you engage with them. You are the one who refused any sort of cooperation not me. You are the one who burned any bridge of cooperation with your silly threats and your theatre play. This is mafia we playing here, anyone who comes and demand a claim out of me will be brought into questioning. You have no one but yourself to blame here. I told you we can discuss and see how things play out. You are the one who needs to earn my trust not me. You are the one who came knocking to my door steps, not me. You don't come and start throwing threats and then do this theatre play. There is so many ways this could of gone and you decided to only play with fire here knowing how stubborn I am as a person when it comes to claiming. Do you know how many games I seen scum having neighbor chat abilities? you honestly don't want me to be wary? why? it's my job to question things. Put yourself in my shoes, would you claim immediatly if I came to you and start threatning you from the get go? try to intimidate you to fold? that my work on some other players but not me and I am baffled you thought such thing would work on me. You should know better.

You didn't corner anyone, you just too hung up on your pride at this point if you are indeed townie. You are flopping left and right cause things didn't go the way you anticipated. 'Oh I am annoyed, I threatned SK to claim and he didn't do it!! how could he do this!!! scum!!!' this is how you sound right now.
I don't know how you think I'm flustered. I'm chilling. This is how I choose to leverage my role, and this is how you choose to respond. I am not at all mad - this is exactly an expected outcome of the play, and I am rewarding it as such. I am amused and I respect that you won't claim, but I am going to push you for it nonetheless, because your response tracks with my anticipated response for scum.


Good morning!
We policy lynch Ekko for his flavor talk?

Someone role crushed me. if it's from town is a bad choice.
If it's from scum I am right about Muugen. I will go with the second one, town should understand what my intentions are in this game and not use role crush on me.
trust me youre the least of my worries and if i had a rolecrush it wouldnt be used on you. you were probably rolecrushed cause your threadplay is just horrendous.

yawn. once again youre the only person scum reading me here and for what real reasons again?

your town reads town read me.....
I don't answer to scum you anymore Muugen, I think the wolves are upset because I showed the wagon on me was opportunistic and the intention to mischop me is so clear.

Your treatment for me shows you are scared by me so you choose the discredit path.

See, when I had the opportunity to read I ceased to sheep blindly, I have my own scum reads and you are on top.
Ratchet, my top town read gave you a town read? So what? You seem salty.

Ratchet chan, ratchet chan ratchet chan ratchet chan..... where do I start. I stated earlier that I didn't feel any malicious intent from ratchet posts midway through the game. However, I did notice how he engaged with both Ultra and MUUGEN. What I found odd is how he engaged with muugen and then decided to basically step back and give him a townie lean. Push push push someone to just say 'good, now you are playing, keep doing what you are doing.' . Same thing with Ultra where I thought the interaction ultra looked better tbh. Some things I noticed is how aggressive he was insulting the dude basically. He does tend to get out of hands when he is scum. At the end, he kinda pulled same thing he did with muugen. Then he picked a little battle with me where he took things out of context to fit his own agenda and then when provided him with facts on how things went he deflected and said 'other did it too!'. Wasn't the biggest fan. Feels like he push but never goes through. I would recommend copping him tbh, if he is townie then obviously he is valuable. Scum lean, wouldn't lynch him now for other have priority.

Ekko, ekko play so far was weak, little to none scum hunting and alot of flavor/useless talk. Def drop in activity to how I am used from him. Does not seem interested in solving really. Don't mind lynching this slot. Scum lean.

Psyc, didn't like her push early on flower, felt oppurtunistic. She then jumped into Michelle wagon when it was a hot topic and stated that she scum reads her. But then I saw her like a post made by LM stating that he views Michelle as townie with reasons. Which made me take a pause. Not only is she riding the waves, she is also does not seem geninune either. When I questioned her regarding it she acknowledged it immediatly and brushed it off as a mistake/misread. I am not sure how can you misread that post really when it was obvious what the person was insinuating. Scum lean.

Reborn, I don't remember much from reborn? he seems like he does not really care what is going on or what is happening. Even his interaction with players felt meh. Nothing contributive or insightful coming from his post. Not sure if I can brush his non care attitude as townie behavior either. Lazy is always not a good look in my book.

T-Pein, coasting? he mentioned he is not putting effort because if he does then he gets killed? lol not sure about that. Vig slot honestly.

Kobe, he outed as a miller and I feel like he spent alot of time focusing on Michelle really, like she was the only player he sees at one point. At one point he shaded me for using yamamoto gif which i found hilarious. He then switched his focus on ratchet and placed a vote on him. I feel like this is the first time I see kobe this assertive in mafia, usually as scum he is very tame and does not put himself on the spotlight. He is also a miller claim and I feel it is self resolving. Town lean for now.

Part 3 incoming.
I don't know how you think I'm flustered. I'm chilling. This is how I choose to leverage my role, and this is how you choose to respond. I am not at all mad - this is exactly an expected outcome of the play, and I am rewarding it as such. I am amused and I respect that you won't claim, but I am going to push you for it nonetheless, because your response tracks with my anticipated response for scum.
You say you ain't flustered but at the same breath saying you are annoyed your wagon is not moving anywhere.

"anticipated response for scum."

Really now? you have such a narrow POV. You have nothing to say to anything I stated cause you know I am right and if you are townie then this is just your pride hurt that you didn't get what you wanted. Disappointed in you even. Good luck, cause I won't let you get a mislynch. I recommend putting your focus elsewhere if I were you.


Certified Memelord

Ratchet chan, ratchet chan ratchet chan ratchet chan..... where do I start. I stated earlier that I didn't feel any malicious intent from ratchet posts midway through the game. However, I did notice how he engaged with both Ultra and MUUGEN. What I found odd is how he engaged with muugen and then decided to basically step back and give him a townie lean. Push push push someone to just say 'good, now you are playing, keep doing what you are doing.' . Same thing with Ultra where I thought the interaction ultra looked better tbh. Some things I noticed is how aggressive he was insulting the dude basically. He does tend to get out of hands when he is scum. At the end, he kinda pulled same thing he did with muugen. Then he picked a little battle with me where he took things out of context to fit his own agenda and then when provided him with facts on how things went he deflected and said 'other did it too!'. Wasn't the biggest fan. Feels like he push but never goes through. I would recommend copping him tbh, if he is townie then obviously he is valuable. Scum lean, wouldn't lynch him now for other have priority.

Ekko, ekko play so far was weak, little to none scum hunting and alot of flavor/useless talk. Def drop in activity to how I am used from him. Does not seem interested in solving really. Don't mind lynching this slot. Scum lean.

Psyc, didn't like her push early on flower, felt oppurtunistic. She then jumped into Michelle wagon when it was a hot topic and stated that she scum reads her. But then I saw her like a post made by LM stating that he views Michelle as townie with reasons. Which made me take a pause. Not only is she riding the waves, she is also does not seem geninune either. When I questioned her regarding it she acknowledged it immediatly and brushed it off as a mistake/misread. I am not sure how can you misread that post really when it was obvious what the person was insinuating. Scum lean.

Reborn, I don't remember much from reborn? he seems like he does not really care what is going on or what is happening. Even his interaction with players felt meh. Nothing contributive or insightful coming from his post. Not sure if I can brush his non care attitude as townie behavior either. Lazy is always not a good look in my book.

T-Pein, coasting? he mentioned he is not putting effort because if he does then he gets killed? lol not sure about that. Vig slot honestly.

Kobe, he outed as a miller and I feel like he spent alot of time focusing on Michelle really, like she was the only player he sees at one point. At one point he shaded me for using yamamoto gif which i found hilarious. He then switched his focus on ratchet and placed a vote on him. I feel like this is the first time I see kobe this assertive in mafia, usually as scum he is very tame and does not put himself on the spotlight. He is also a miller claim and I feel it is self resolving. Town lean for now.

Part 3 incoming.
im interested in finding scum but im not interested in using more than 2% of my full power to do it lol


I don't answer to scum you anymore Muugen, I think the wolves are upset because I showed the wagon on me was opportunistic and the intention to mischop me is so clear.

Your treatment for me shows you are scared by me so you choose the discredit path.

See, when I had the opportunity to read I ceased to sheep blindly, I have my own scum reads and you are on top.
Ratchet, my top town read gave you a town read? So what? You seem salty.
such a copout, i really do wonder if flower is coaching you in your scumchat since youre sounding awfully a lot like her.

lol you wont answer to me anymore but you will still respond to my post yet not properly quote it seems like weak gameplay. you seem to be the one afraid of me.

& no michelle you poise no threat to me not even in the slightest. I am a wolf and im coming for the sheep. What do you intend to do to stop me?

your reads are still based off of ratchets reads though. your scum reads are bad your reasonings are even worse.

what do i have to be salty about for someone town reading me, moreso someone i am scum reading.
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