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The End and the Beginning
i strongly despise it, and am bothered by where the thought of that came from

its not rly common nor something to joke with imo
Well, you have my apologies for the offence caused, so let's leave it here. If you'd like to talk it out more, we can do it on discord/later.


she claimed flavor so she could go afk again, what do you make of her continuous use of not participating?
I can give my opinion about this, but I will say stuff I rather stay out off.
But if I were to be Flower I would have subbed out, instead of afking all the time when people are asking her questions or try to have a game related discussion. And this is not meant as an attack to Flower, but I can't think of this being enjoyable to play like that.
@Kobe you should also read Lord Melkors weak ass push against me

He said he didn't read half of thread but proceeds to say what he saw of me is all negatives. I call him out if that is the case he should make a case on me and push me because in his eyes i should be prime target.

Melkor called me emotional and backed away, removing vote from me and never talking to me again


bro name 1
also u clearly missed the part that says "barring a colossal mess up"
youve mislynch countless of top posters d1 no im not going to go back to past games to show you your voting pattern.

stop playing stupid here
mid activity player is not inactifagger. there r 35 players in the game ffs. i just dont wanna lynch top 6-8
youre ok with flower who virtually has no activity - all shes done is bitch and complain and give activity excuses.

funny the number you gave was up to 8 which SK currently sits at.
still seems quite suspect, i would never tell anyone openly in game to check a pm to discuss a seperate matter all together.
where did i spite u?
its been evidential in past games kekko, stop the cap.
demonstrably untrue and i bet 10 bucks you can't back it up
yeah cause i wont go and backtrack other games plus you wont even stick to your own words, you lost the bet last game.
uve already fked up ur line of thought earlier

u said i tried to lynch u last game when u were active... well.. i was scum

so how is wanting to lynch inactive a scum indicative of me when last game i was lynching actives

with this i go to sleep. u r dismissed
yawn. like i said you wanted to lynch me at the start then i made you my bitch and had you openly advocate to not have me lynched cause you read me as town then when d3 came around you carried me as town and suddenly bowed down to SK to save face,

yeah yeah bow again.

you afraid ill expose you again.

hmm same MO as Michelle as last game are you all mates again?
So, OMGUS then? My experience with scum Mango is that he's usually more cavalier about suspicion.
After calling him out Mango never talked to me again but insinuated to SK that i should be killed when actions opened.

Mango has no real desire to solve the game but is willing to sentence people to die


The End and the Beginning
After calling him out Mango never talked to me again but insinuated to SK that i should be killed when actions opened.

Mango has no real desire to solve the game but is willing to sentence people to die
Yeah, I'm on board with that.

Thoughts on Reborn, SoulKiller and Charlie, currently? Just "lean town" or "lean scum" will do.
considering he is one i am voting for my opinion of him is clear

Would pref him to interact with dif peple rather than same 2. He seems too tunnely for someone so active. And his Ultra situation is damming, if Ultra gave him something then SK has no real objection to give smth back. Esp since he can out Ultra as much as Ultra can out him. Ultra came on top the dick pulling contest

Consider what he has done and which abilities have been used i'm giving him benefit of the doubt to be town
@Kobe talk to me about Muugen, Reborn and DrProf

I won't vote any of SK or Ultra toDay for that interaction alone and their stuborness on their stances. They are both valuable players when town and the wolves wouldn't let them alive too much anyway.
I don't have a case.
@Kobe you should also read Lord Melkors weak ass push against me

He said he didn't read half of thread but proceeds to say what he saw of me is all negatives. I call him out if that is the case he should make a case on me and push me because in his eyes i should be prime target.

Melkor called me emotional and backed away, removing vote from me and never talking to me again
Not that I can vouch for what you just summarized but I do find him coasting this game.


I'd say is t vs t for the energy they both put in the thread.
didnt you just sayhigh post count is scum
I don't have Kobe as scum

Everyone can see I did a lot more than you saw.
i mean not everyone is as good as me at catching scum based off threadplay.
why u scum real lind btw
where has he been, what has he done?
You going on and on about people you scum read, when I entered the thread you were adament in lynching either AL or ratchet. But then willingly change vote for reasons that makes no sense when ultra gave you his top sus reads. You sheeped without a hesitation. Didn't think to yourself to further question it yourself. One would think with how hard you going on some of your scum reads you would push toward one of them.

Plus, apparently I was in your town read list but that shifted greatly without any hesitation.
im still perfectly fine with lynching rat that hasnt changed i also said ill remove al from aizen poe guess you missed that but nice try.

yeah cause i have ultra in a townpile. if youre refeing to my joke intro of townlocking players you must be reaching hard here cause that list included ultra as well along with onii.

who said i ever laid off any other pushes, have you seen me slow down on going after others here i am virtually the only one still going after michelle and kekko at the same time.

i voted you originally for pressure cause i read ult as town and not scum. you just cemented the hold on the vote for not cooperating fully when your excuse is you claim or die - didnt you say that to not only me but apollo last game?

so stop with the nonsensical victim playing here SK you look weak.
@Kobe talk to me about Muugen, Reborn and DrProf

I won't vote any of SK or Ultra toDay for that interaction alone and their stuborness on their stances. They are both valuable players when town and the wolves wouldn't let them alive too much anyway.
I don't have a case.
Muugen - town
Reborn - scum
Prof - lean scum

I didn't ask you who you were going to vote between those two, though. I asked what are your thoughts on Ultra VS SK.


What could have been...
youve mislynch countless of top posters d1 no im not going to go back to past games to show you your voting pattern.

stop playing stupid here
so nothing

youre ok with flower who virtually has no activity - all shes done is bitch and complain and give activity excuses.

funny the number you gave was up to 8 which SK currently sits at.
dont care, anyone not top 6-8 is fair game to me
flowa or lind or mango or sallu or whoever. any suggestions? whats case on pero?

still seems quite suspect, i would never tell anyone openly in game to check a pm to discuss a seperate matter all together.
why not just tell him in the scum chat if we r together? its out of game thing

its been evidential in past games kekko, stop the cap.
so still nothing lol

yeah cause i wont go and backtrack other games plus you wont even stick to your own words, you lost the bet last game.
i was scum last game
bro ur saying i am not doing shit i did last game and that makes me scummy. the whole basis of ur whatever this is crumbles because i was scum last game

yawn. like i said you wanted to lynch me at the start then i made you my bitch and had you openly advocate to not have me lynched cause you read me as town then when d3 came around you carried me as town and suddenly bowed down to SK to save face,

yeah yeah bow again.

you afraid ill expose you again.

hmm same MO as Michelle as last game are you all mates again?
i dont think ive had a wagon above 3 or 4 votes the entire weebs bar maybe the last day where i was outed
i think we r talking about different games lel

btw here a gift for u from our puppets chat day 0:
naomi/muugen have scum in them, leaning muugen

do we dunk on him or let him go today is the question

I'm feeling generous. will let him lead me to his team first
we then parity copped yall and u came different alignments, and we had innocent on naomi. this is all first cycle. so we knew ur scum for sure lol, baring any potential redirections

im sorry to break it to u, most of that threaplay and frustration was an act to keep us alive from red team night kills lol. if u belive its real i think it was played well then ;)
Muugen - town
Reborn - scum
Prof - lean scum

I didn't ask you who you were going to vote between those two, though. I asked what are your thoughts on Ultra VS SK.
Yes, and I said i think they are both town. With no case, just by their presence, way of posting and what I feel reading their posts - call it gut if you want.

Why is Muugen town?
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