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No dude... that's a bike...!!
mine is passive too

basically says that at the start of DP3 i'll receive census results
sk i'm pretty sure said his is passive too and he'll get census results right away
now ultra says he gets census results when his passive is triggered

3 census passives

1 for town 1 for each faction gg no re


of what, you letting me win the game?

no. afraid u end up outing town roles for ur inability to read them
yet I never asked for psylocke to share their results did I just what type of info was shared for them to fully believe you.

roight I let you win the game when I had a team who was afk host killed the only other active and then outed out another by killing them again then reviving them saying host error when they should’ve survived all along.

unlike you I didn’t have to run bitch and complain to get compensation to win my games. I took the loss as is. did host royally fuck me more than your entire squad yes.

did you even do anything that game to even be in the talks of being mvp for your squad no. Michelle did you and flower bitched and complained I’m surprised you aren’t banned yet, well i guess it’s not too much of surprise how lenient ratchet is in his punishments even when you have players who openly gamethrow.


I will never forgive Oda
mine is passive too

basically says that at the start of DP3 i'll receive census results
sk i'm pretty sure said his is passive too and he'll get census results right away
now ultra says he gets census results when his passive is triggered

3 census passives

Excuse me Mr. Charlie, census? I’m not familiar with the term
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