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The End and the Beginning
This doesn't really quite mesh with your confidence that Soul was a scum flip
To be clear, I'm talking about *today*. And honestly I was scum reading Soul anyway, I don't think him not claiming was a smoking gun (though I'll admit it is what drove the wagon, which probably says enough).


anywho let me just debunk this joke of a person

randomly i am mates with Kiku - i dont even have any sort of equity when it comes to kiku.
first, save ur teammate and urself
this is where they ask me about mech info - which kekko still is trying to state ive ignored him and doc everytime it was asked:
what mech do u have on me. claim.

tell me u actually belive im ichigo
If you’ve got mechanics I need to know so I can stop buddying with him lol
evidently proven incorrect i answered him at first question:
ekko i dont need mech info to catch scum thats been evidently proven time and time again by pure threadplay its why ive been handed so many mvp awards. i caught your entire team last game as well with no mechanical info.

you simply just fucking scum at this game hope flower hiding in the shadows can carry your team to victory before she subs out again cause nothing is going her way.

a wolf does not fear a sheep
he randomly states something i still dont even fully understand about me and kiku
btw fr u r tying urself to this kiku scum flip way too much. if u r town u need to cease this shite immediately. just a word of advice
then claims i dont bus my own teammates his own words - if he paid attention to last cycle i was one of the main pushers against kiku.
i dont think he busses teammates. i dont remember him bussing in weebs at all. man was hard hunting our team lol
this is where i have began asking kekko to plead any sort of case against me:
i dont even understand the stupidity coming out of your man.

if you want to state i am mates with kiku plead your case scrub.
states i am ignoring kiku which was proven false later by doc:

this is his case while i was already pushing kiku, psy and kekko last cycle.
the case presents itself by itself

you are death tunneling me and ignoring the failed cop result on kiku and still continue doing so after the fact that she claimed aizen lol

you have yet to properly acknowledge it

there is no way ur push on me is genuine
Doc then states kekko is tunneling on the aizen slip from kiku - yet anytime ive mentioned his ichi go claim that states isnt a joke i am grasping and stating things like "if you really believe that..."
@Ekkologix I feel like you’re putting too much into the Aizen claim thing lol. Like that can obviously be a joke. I claimed Aizen on D1 lol. I don’t really expect you to focus so much on that or treat it seriously
uses his own logic against himself once again

then tries to state im mates with kiku once again, still evidently proven to be untrue,
can u define harping on lol

are u not excited to lynch aizen and feel even more joy if muugen turns out aizen's teammate lmao
i ask him to showcase is having scum equity - evidently proven he has none.
you still have yet to case me in any sense.

you can not even point to one instance where kiku and i even have scum equity the only logisitcal player i could have any real equity with would be ultra.

but good luck on that ryoka boy.
doc further cements that kekko is tunneling on this one bit,
You keep bringing it up as a gotcha as if that itself is a damning piece of evidence when really at most it’s just like, a cherry on the case lol. It feels like not a core piece of evidence that you’re treating like one.
It’s what I might expect if you’re just dunking on them more than listing genuine reads/case
ive asked once again to provide a case since he is scum reading me and trying to state i am mates with kiku.
ekko youve been calling me scum then town then scum again ive asked you what is your actual case against me you have not presented anything substanial.

you are now basing me to be mates with kiku who i have been pushing since last cycle where i even iso'd her and called her out as being scum.

so by your own stupidity "i dont bus my teammates" your cause is null and void.
his response which is still not a case against me nor showing how id be tied to kiku as mates.

states ive ignored kiku all together,
i think ur play is shit and ur tunnel is shit, but thats normal even for town muugen so cant hold it against u. its the standard i expect

what i can hold against u is the fact that u acknowledge im playing different from last game but still scum read me

also hyperfocus on players who are currently vouching for each other and are self resolving when u do not town read the remaining PoE (who is like 20 players)

what i can hold against u is also the fact that u have completely ignored kiku today prior to her slip. not a single mention of the fail cop was made by u that i recall

what do u make of that?

u have also ignored my posts about ratchet/apollo and ingored the whole interaction quiet frankly. i still dont know what ur take on it
called out his false statements
your fucking dumb or just plain stupid?!


i mean iso'd her questioned her, questioned her again at EoD where i began casing Psy but sure good luck on your false narratives.

kekko if youre going to try and case me at least put some effort into it.

beta tiering wont get you far kid.
claims he wasnt even paying attention to last cycle but just tried using last cycle to debunk me on my scum read of him.

still has yet to iso kiku and see how utterly stupid he looks.
"at EoD"

bro fk day 1 i was not paying attention to that day at all. im speaking strictly day 2 cuz this is the day i read lol

if ur saying u had interactions with kiku EoD 1 that may help us determine u r not together im cool with that. i'lll get to isoing kiku and her day 1 wagon eventually

btw why do u think u and ultra have equity?
maybe go read the thread before you start with your horrendous push scum.
then he decides to dumb it down to today only.
i dont even know what narrative u r talking about

im saying clearly u r ignoring kiku and the cop check on her in DAY 2. the cop check was not there in day 1

i didnt read day 1 for shit lol. my points were all day 2 related

why did u ignore kiku day 2 if u scum read her day 1? shudnt the cop failing make u scum read her even more @MUUGEN
Doc debunks him again.
Muugen did express a scum read on Kiku today. Then said they were your teammate. (Kiku cast some sus on Muugen too). But neither had the other as a candidate to lynch. Then Muugen questioned Kiku some. But it was pretty amiable. That’s about as far as I got.

Muugen never acknowledged the results that I saw.
so its scummy of me to case him and kiku as mates yet hes doing the same to me where this is virtully no sign even showing us being close to mates he couldve gone with a distancing angle nd that probably wouldve helped his case.

his statement is also so horrendously bad cause if we both believe kiku is scum and i have them as mates why wouldnt i continue on with my strongests scum read which is kekko
dont think he acknowledged it yeah
also kinda sus to pin me with kiku wtf lol. like he knows shes scum and pinning me with her but not rly pushing her

he said he did sus her strongly EoD 1 so need to verify that
never saw the result or whatever transpired between apollo or rat made all that cleared when i join in.....

kekko is as good as scum

ratchet town reading him outside of his claim id still keep him in scumpile tbh

dudes complaining but isnt actually making any moves or trying actively move the game along.
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