El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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"Surprisingly" people really trying to push the agenda that having conquerors coating and not having a devil fruit automatically mean roger/garp level potential

Just because roger was equal to whitebeard without a devil fruit and garp equal to sengoku doesn't mean any random bum can do the same
Roger and garp being the epitome and face of what it means to be a pirate and marine respectively

Even mihawk who people like to view as the strongest non devil fruit user of the current day with them claiming he has the strongest armament, observation, and conquerors haki is not comparable to those 4
All this headcanon just to fight Whiryu. What's next? :milaugh:
The Marines would be an absolutely pathetic organization if their strongest fighter was a 76 year old great grandpa lol. I would lose all respect for the World Government if Garp was a top 5 fighter of theirs at 76.

I would literally renounce the Admiral wank and drop the manga instantly if Garp at any point of his life mid diffed an Admiral.
He is not stronger than the Admirals.
Akainu and Aokiji formed a lake during their battle while they are logias, their destructive capabilties literally nuked the island.
This feat pales in comparison, don't let this fool you.
β€œMihawk isn’t comparable to those 4”according to you a guy that’s always riding zoros nuts and is constantly wrong .
Mihawk vs shanks is more arguable than against prime roger and garp

And if we take titles 100% as fact old whitebeard was still the world strongest man before his sickness started beating his ass
Prime whitebeard > old whitebeard > old, sick, and dying whitebeard


World's Strongest Swordsman
Mihawk vs shanks is more arguable than against prime roger and garp

And if we take titles 100% as fact old whitebeard was still the world strongest man before his sickness started beating his ass
Prime whitebeard > old whitebeard > old, sick, and dying whitebeard
It's not arguable. Mihawk is stronger
Hes also > prime ray who isn't far from Roger
None of those 4 are tiers above prime ray
This top 5 is just people that personally left a huge impact on Kaido for x reason.
If Garp personally fought Kaido, dude would be left mindbroken like Chinjao and thus would never have became an emperor
Yeah that was obvious to anyone who knows how to actually read. I swear the the amount of Garp & Mihawk slander i saw that panel created was insane
We can official say that Whitebeard and his crew been lucky that neither Garp or Sengoku kick serious in the battles. Let alone that the admirals(expect Akainu?) didn't go serious/all out. Whitebeard as only top tier can't face six at the sametime...
W-W-wAIT but i thought Admirals being in Marineford meant they needed all of their strongest men going all out to compete with 1 Younko crew

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