Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Everyone knows that manga are fictional stories

You're comparing apples to oranges
Everyone knows wrestling is scripted as well, even when I was a kid I knew, but it didn't take away from the story they were trying to tell or what the wrestlers put themselves through

It's because they try to sell it as real that makes it work because you do get more emotionally invested in what's going on.

Terms like sell/no sell, kayfabe, heel, and face are common in the community. Storytelling elements that work to make things seem as real as possible to get people as invested as possible.


is probably playing Overwatch 2
Everyone knows wrestling is scripted as well, even when I was a kid I knew, but it didn't take away from the story they were trying to tell or what the wrestlers put themselves through

It's because they try to sell it as real that makes it work because you do get more emotionally invested in what's going on.

Terms like sell/no sell, kayfabe, heel, and face are common in the community. Storytelling elements that work to make things seem as real as possible to get people as invested as possible.
I dont think everyone knows that its faked, especially kids
Shyriu giving us a hint at how Pizarro can use his powers @Jackteo :kuzanshut:

This is already a thousand times better than anything Pica can do :kobeha:
Pizarro really looks like one of the leaders of the crew in this chapter. He can basically oversee and feel anything that happens on Beehive with his ability, is seen ordering the fodders and it seems Vasco Shot was asking for his permission
You quickly grow out of that and start to appreciate wrestling for what it is, a soap opera.
When will people stop using 2nd person pronouns when they talk about themselves?
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only kids below 5 or dumb kids believe wrestling is real

see how we both can play this game
I'm not playing games, i'm speaking the truth

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
only kids below 5 or dumb kids believe wrestling is real

see how we both can play this game
I dont think everyone knows that its faked, especially kids
I'm not playing games, i'm speaking the truth
Roo is right though, only young kids or people who never heard of wrestling before would believe it's real and even then the truth of it is always quickly discovered. Especially since nowadays there is wrestling content everywhere on the internet that's very frank about the reality of wrestling.