Powers & Abilities The Only Valid Explanation of Galaxy lmpact..

And if they changed its coloring schemes later? lol And these trails on Zoro's swords are small so they could be CoA.
Lets see them coloring the huge trails.. What would say if they somehow given him a golden color? red? green? :suresure:
I already explained the Golden to Dark Red lightning in another thread.. Don't remember the name though..

It's based on intent switching from passive to agressive..

So then in turn the Kamusari is a CoA based attack then? So Shanks Kamusari could be a CoA based attack then? We have no coloring here so how would that go for you if Shanks on Kid turned out to be black and red?

And you are saying that Kamusari is a WSS path since its Sword attack and the clash is a Pirate King Path. But Roger's still used his Sword to clash. So the WSS path can clash wtih PK path? or Roger walks both Paths? And so is Shanks?

That's why the 2 Kamusari's are very interesting because they are totally distinct Haki wise.. Shanks' Kamusari is AdCoC based..

I think Shanks' attack will be pure Red..
I already explained the Golden to Dark Red lightning in another thread.. Don't remember the name though..

It's based on intent switching from passive to agressive..
I am going to turn myself into you and give you an answer that you would give to me :suresure:.

Look at Luffy's Thor's hammer and Rogers Kamusari. Thor's hammer golden sparks have black edges. But Kamusari have a white edge.

Luffy's Thor's Hammer Random color confirmed :gonope:
Roger's Golden Kamusari AdCoC confirmed :goyea:

That's why the 2 Kamusari's are very interesting because they are totally distinct Haki wise.. Shanks' Kamusari is AdCoC based..

I think Shanks' attack will be pure Red..
Now you are growing up. If that is what you think it is. Then only time will tell if Shanks's Kamusari will have "Red" or "Black and Red". :cheers:

See is it so hard to write your thoughts as thoughts and not as solid proof when there is nothing to base it of off?
I am going to turn myself into you and give you an answer that you would give to me :suresure:.

Look at Luffy's Thor's hammer and Rogers Kamusari. Thor's hammer golden sparks have black edges. But Kamusari have a white edge.

Luffy's Thor's Hammer Random color confirmed :gonope:
Roger's Golden Kamusari AdCoC confirmed :goyea:

Bruh You're just a contrarian.. lol

It's Yellow..