I swear they are weird
First, let me say Luffy also fucking is to blame here! So this guy too is dropping his guard not using future sight like an idiot
Secondly, Zoro is to blame too, because unlike Luffy who always drops his guard, carefree in similar manner to his time with Ceasar and other opponents, Zoro is the time who's too harsh and serious, and always on guard
That's why you can see difference between Big Mom and Katakuri where BM can be jumped on easily while Kata is harder, while BM is stronger overall
Luffy/Zoro are the same, Luffy is stronger, but Zoro is more on guard compared to the carefree Luffy
So when I attack Zoro, I'm not dismissing Luffy
Both are stupid and at fault
But Zoro, the serious one, always on guard, shouldn't be hit that easy compared to someone who always was known to get EASY hits because of his carefree attitude...