Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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Semantics then? Why argue and bitch to make a point if you know the opposite also is just as likely of being true? Hell, maybe Luffy/Law gave Kid the Zou one for shits and giggles. You actually cannot tell me it couldnt have happened lmao
Law was clear that Kid deserved the Red Poneglyph from Wano. No reason for him to have the one from Zou. We don't even know if Law himself got the one from Zou.

Law after DR has no purpose in his life. Only at ONIGASHIMA he got the purpose to find the history about D clan.

Still not sure why he thinks he needs the Red Poneglyphs for that.
I was over exaggerating. But surely Kuzan had a superior type portrayal over Blackbeard in that scene. He openly offered to fight him and his entire crew and confident enough to kill them off. Blackbeard was sweating - smart but it kinda portrayed he was afraid as well in that scene.
I don't see it as superior , we know that BB won't fight unless he can gain something .
We also know that admirals have no problem taking on a yonko or there crew .
To me all this was is two top tiers chilling and then coming to a deal .

Sasaki Kojirō

I feel like you should just assume these guys are using base invisible haki
Yes, I assume anyone with a decent level of power in MF was using at least basic Haki, Ryou and even AcoA,Acoc is a different story.

But the fact that Aokiji was injured by a Jozu who was using basic weaponry Haki is already a strong argument for fighting trolls with brains the size of a hope who think that Aokiji somehow miraculously possesses greater survivability when compared to someone like Kaidou who is described several times as being above Aokiji in terms of strength.
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