I still don't get what is Yamato role in this plot.Not sure even Oda knows what to do with her.
She is just... Well I don't know:endthis:
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Even a broken clock is right twice a day

You getting york thing right means nothing when you being right is like once in a blue moon:milaugh:
The question is when was I wrong?:endthis:


It's not up to debate #yamato4nakama is a Psyop no one like Yamato in the real world:endthis:
I liked her a lot, but how it wrapped up kinda negates all the set up so I dunno how I feel rn
I still don't get what is Yamato role in this plot.Not sure even Oda knows what to do with her.
Believe me, her payoff was well planned. It's just Oda decided to retcon all the character arc in Wano except Momo for some reason lol