Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1082 Spoilers Discussion

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Mihawk fans again making shit up, buggy is a contender of PK title because of cross guild not mihawk solely, and mihawk said himself they need more power if they want to have a shot vs other yonkos.
Rn luffy shanks and bb crews are better then cross guild.
Mihawk said they need more power for the utopia plan when he was advising crocodile. yonkos wasnt even mentioned.:seriously:
Buggy got ruined for me man.... Earlier I liked that he did not care about One Piece with also being the case that he was part of Rogers Crew member... And the fact that he was more interested in Captain Johns treasure... And with such shitty flashback excuse :whitepress:
@ConquistadoR @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Gol D. Roger

Why is Mihawk "forced" to by a clown though? Mihawk was said to be Zoro's end battle after the PK race, with people arguing that it doesn't make sense narratively for Zoro to fight Mihawk in between.

And now Mihawk is "forced" to follow a clown for the race of the PK, sharing a position with Zoro and Shiryu.

Why not taking Cross Guild over? The power and resources are Croc's and Mihawk's anyway. They planned it without the clown.

I mean, I look forward to Mihawk's all out power, but that doesn't look all too good for him character wise, being dragged into this by a clown against his will and being peer to other commanders by default.

Like, he didn't want to fight Shanks in the past and now would on behalf of Buggy? Why? Don't you see this as problematic portrayal of his character?
Man, I hope some time dudes here will learn to just go with the flow instead of micro-analyzing everything lmao.

Buggy is the clown that can only fall upwards, characters around will act accordingly cause Oda is more powerful than all his characters combined. Just have a good laugh and enjoy the clown show lmao.
In general, yes.
In the case of Sabo, no.
I remember being heartbroken when i read like 12 years ago ace dying.
And then they "resurrect" him and make Sabo better than him in every regard.
It's like Poochie from The Simpson.
Let the dead be dead.
Both are different characters bruh,
It was a questionable decision from Oda, but Sabo has his own backstory and him eating Ace's DF shows their bond.
But I understand your point, you are right to some extent. The execution was bad, and it is an Oda issue.
He needs to stop listening to his editors.
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