Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1082 Spoilers Discussion

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Kaido WSC :
Fights Navy, Moriah, SNs (pre joyboy awakening), BM, Shanks, Oden...doesn't lose
Proving he's truly WSC. Even Joyboy Luff6 neded 2 round with g5 to barley win.

WB as WSM :
Fights Roger, BM, shiki, Navy,..
Even in old age he fought admirals , manages beating Akainu and Teach before dying

Mihawk as WSS :
Couldn't beat Young Shanks, ...never fought Cracker nor Vista until MF
Didn't beat anyone even by cheating to be WSS
You all have to understand one thing -

Buggy is one hell of a lucky dude. His journey is nothing short of a miracle.

But....only time his luck ran out was when he crossed path with luffy.

Buggy or BB might become PK for time being but eventually it will be Luffy who will be declared so.
I don't think that happens even for short period of time, why? It would mean someone else found the OP and is in possession of whatever it is.
I hardly doubt there will another Pirate King other than Roger and Luffy, someone might be considered king of the world or seas like Imu and Whitebeard though.
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