Mihawk is destined to be zoro final opponent.
But he doesn't want to fight and have no interest in being yonkou.
Mihawk will just sit around and wait for zoro and then he will only fight zoro.
So how can we validate mihawk strength if he doesn't fight anyone except zoro.
To validate mihawk strength we need mihawk feats against some other top tier so we can get general idea of how strong he is. Whether he is commander,admiral, yonkou or pirate King level.
But oda doesn't care about Mihawk
But he doesn't want to fight and have no interest in being yonkou.
Mihawk will just sit around and wait for zoro and then he will only fight zoro.
So how can we validate mihawk strength if he doesn't fight anyone except zoro.
To validate mihawk strength we need mihawk feats against some other top tier so we can get general idea of how strong he is. Whether he is commander,admiral, yonkou or pirate King level.
But oda doesn't care about Mihawk