Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1082 Spoilers Discussion

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Turkish employment is wasta based
Yeah idk if he can make friends irl tho
Family maybe

You suck Zolo swords for money?

Well @ConquistadoR and you and other ZKK cults putting swords up each others ass, and imagining forum users in the shower :suresure: Thats called PTSD bitch.
Brother Erkuck please leave the fictional story stuff to the side for a moment
We all gotta know....

Are you employed and have you taken a shower since 2010?
I guess your dumbass didn't know you zkktards were saying Mihawk was harmless and no threat to government, when I said Mihawk should be a regular pirate like others? :suresure: Turns out Mihawk was the ''major major threat'' Cross Guild to the Marines, bigger threat than the other Yonko.

You really think I would say 3 billion IF I knew Mihawk was Marine Hunter in the past and then again they create a Marine Hunting Cross Guild in the future? You must be retarded if you believe I would still say 3 billion if I knew that, minimum 4, could be even 5 if he is actually a top tier.
Imagine losing so hard about Mihawk needing a 3 billion bounty that your subsequent arguments become literal headcanon.

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