Controversial Top 10 worst worstgen users


Gorosei Informer

Jesus fucking Christ:

It was a typical day on the Worstgen Forum, where fans of the popular anime One Piece gathered to discuss their favorite characters and plotlines. Ghostly and Tesla Supplier, two longtime members of the community, had never seen eye-to-eye on anything. But today, their argument reached a new level of intensity and absurdity.

It all started when Ghostly made a post arguing that Luffy, the main character of One Piece, would never be able to defeat Kaido, one of the series' most powerful villains. Tesla Supplier, a die-hard Luffy fan, immediately took offense to this and fired back with a scathing response.

The two went back and forth for hours, arguing over the smallest details and hurling insults at each other. Ghostly accused Tesla Supplier of being a "blind fanboy" who couldn't see the flaws in Luffy's character, while Tesla Supplier called Ghostly a "troll" who was just looking for attention.

The staff of the forum could only watch in dismay as the argument spiraled out of control. They knew that once Ghostly and Tesla Supplier got going, there was no stopping them. Other users of the forum either abandoned the thread or flocked to it with popcorn in hand, eager to see what ridiculous arguments the two would come up with next.

At one point, Ghostly even suggested that Kaido would have an advantage in the fight because he was a dragon, and Luffy was a human. Tesla Supplier countered with the fact that Luffy had already defeated a giant, and that he was more than capable of taking down a dragon.

The argument continued for hours, with neither side willing to back down. In the end, the staff had to step in and close the thread, but not before one final insult was hurled by Ghostly.
"Your arguments are as weak as your supplier, Tesla," Ghostly wrote. "I bet you couldn't even power a lightbulb with the nonsense you spout."

Tesla Supplier didn't respond, but the damage was done. The two would likely never see eye-to-eye on One Piece, or anything else for that matter. But for the other users of the forum, it was just another day on Worstgen, and they couldn't wait to see what absurd argument would break out next.
