Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1083 Spoilers Discussion

Which Holy knight is your fav ?

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The story revolves around an Ancient kingdom and the history related to the entire world around it being utterly lost to time. The entire outside world has no clue about what's in Wano. So yeah, I would think if the mysterious king of the world wanted to make a play like that it'd be harder to figure out
You can't just make a Country disappear and nobody would notice....

Like a Ship is sailing back to the port after a journey and the crew goes, that's weird, I could of sworn I lived on an island right here.... Guess not... Where did I live again?
realistically, the Holy Knights are probably YC level.

Like they can't be on the tier of the tobi roppo, because the SHs already beat the tobi roppo. At the very least, they have to be stronger than Teach's veterans. Stronger than people like:
  • Vasco Shot
  • Caterina Devon
  • Sanjuan Wolf
And that too by a significant margin, as by the time the SHs face them, they will be even stronger than the blackbeard veterans.

What would that look like if not characters on the same tier as Cracker/Jack/Smoothie
that random ass "mihawk is much more powerful" sentence coming out of nowhere is so funny like yall need to be forreal for a minute. These arabs are obv zoro fans they prolly deduct that bcs the Holy Knights sillhouettes are holding swords:gokulaugh:
Wano is closed to the outside for hundred of years, Lulusia wasn't it was pretty obvious people would notice it specially partner countries that used to trade with them.
I'm saying that the samurai who protected it and its most powerful clans were extinct, so Kaido managed to keep the country a total mystery despite not really being the slightly smarter than the average barbarian.

Meanwhile, Im is most mysterious person on the planet and yet the average person can point to things he's done directly.
The story revolves around an Ancient kingdom and the history related to the entire world around it being utterly lost to time. The entire outside world has no clue about what's in Wano. So yeah, I would think if the mysterious king of the world wanted to make a play like that it'd be harder to figure out
The thing about the Ancient Kingdom stuff is that the whole world was probably in on it when it happened. That's when the WG was formed and the world leaders and their descendants "upgraded" to Tenryuubito status, leaving their original countries behind.

It being lost in time is just a matter of erasing any kind of record and strictly forbidding learning about it or simply looking into it.
You can't just make a Country disappear and nobody would notice....

Like a Ship is sailing back to the port after a journey and the crew goes, that's weird, I could of sworn I lived on an island right here.... Guess not... Where did I live again?
Doflamingo had a stooge who did exactly that. Wasn't hard for me to assume we'd be dealing with an equivalent character
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