How is getting KOd better than some scratches 😂 dkm
How do you get KOed and sleep snoring without any damage? Not forgetting she was hungry and sleepy already for days before reaching Udon.
Queen himslf hypes her "aura changed.." while shitting his pants.

Fuji on the other hand wasn't nerfed mentally nor physically yet sent to hospital
You make excuses for Admirals being incompétent
GB couldn't beat Momo 1v1, couldn't handle Morley lol
No wonder why weakened G2/g3 could give fuji low diff battle at DR
BM is just superior than Admiraks : physically and haki wise.
She also counters them with her df.
Time to accept it!
There's no revo hurting her bar Sabo, Kuma ans Dragon. (Oh also Ivankov internal moves)
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