Looking at the viz it implies few things
> Apoo asked what would happen if Luffy / Zoro were captured, and Queen talked about this coming at a right time, since he wants to erase one of the tobi roppo and create an empty spot, which further implies that Apoo's current rank is below that of Tobi Roppo, but him potentially reaching that rank if he captured Luffy / Zoro, and bear in mind that Apoo was a member of the beast pirates for a longer period of time than Hawkins who apparently has the same rank
> The above also shows that from Queen's perspective, Luffy / Zoro may have started as headliner if they were in Beast Pirates crew since capturing both of them grants you tobi roppo rank, and bear in mind Drake confronted the beast pirates 2 years ago, became a new headliner a year ago, before eventually becoming tobi roppo member.
> Drake is even more likely to be the one Queen wants to get rid off. The way he speaks makes it seem like he caught one of the tobi roppo member doing something nasty shit, and it makes sense to me that Drake would be caught on now in order for him not to be an enemy during Onigashima battle
Basically it confirms what i was saying before, the tobi roppo rank doesn't really apply to worst gen members working for Kaido, it's just a situational ranking that you get from accomplishments after some time