Fanclub Rob Lucci X Nefertari Vivi Fanclub

I am devided by the decision of ignoring you or replying to your comments, whenever you write something in this thread, just to make you angry. :myman:

And I actually wonder how far I could bring you... .
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Why are you still here:watchout:
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I pass the whole FC onto you:handsup:
Oh, thanks. But this is the way I am always writing - much and detailled.

That is why I chose the name I now have... .
Someone summoned me?


Actually, this is a ship that becomes more plausible, the longer you look at it. Plot-wise Vivi and Lucci as a couple would make sense in more than one way.

It all boils down to Vivi and Lucci meeting again in the near future to be able to develop their relationship in some form or another. So, let’s look at this possibility first.

First, we have Vivi, who has lost her father recently. A father, whose only last wish it was, to see his daughter married. He even searched for suitors for Vivi, so she could have an overview of what was on the market and to have at least a choice.

Both - father and daughter - had a very deep and strong relationship. Now, imagine a close relative passes away before his/her time. Wouldn’t you do everything you could to just honour him/her one last time and take to heart, what he/she wanted from you? Cobra just wanted the best for his daughter and that only wish he had for her was getting a husband. Vivi will at one point or another at least think about this, if she really loved him that much.

Now, with her being seen at Morgans, we can safely assume that she is running from someone - most probably the WG, since otherwise she would have been accompanied by said government to safely sail back to Alabasta.

And look at what Imu held in his hands back then – a picture of Vivi. I take that as a clear sign that he is targeting her in some kind of way.

This means Vivi already has a problem with the WG (and especially Imu) and needs help with that. The problem gets even worse if we consider that she can’t ask someone officially to help her, because that official help would then come from the government, which mostly rules this world. She needs someone, who is an outlaw – someone, who does not abide by the general law and is strong enough to protect her. And look, we can even read from Wapol’s reaction in that one panel with Morgans and his fear that the WG might get to them, that Vivi is indeed in a very dire and dangerous situation.

Let’s look at her appearance in the manga. Going by how she never vanished from the main story line and is even shown to get more panel-time the more the manga approaches its end, we can also safely assume that she will meet the SHP again very soon. Otherwise, her department from Luffy and his crew and her question that. “If we ever see each other again, will you call me your shipmate?!!” would not make sense in any way.

So, Vivi meeting up with the SHP is – for me at least – a given.

Now to the other side: Lucci: While most fans of OP categorize Lucci as a sadist, who just wants to kill, I am as sure that he is going to become the 11th SHP as Lucci is unsure about his own motivation. (For everyone who does not believe me, I can give you majow hints. If you still have major objections, I am free to bet my avi for one month or even more about it. Feel free to talk to me.).

Lucci did never say that he wants to just kill people out of fun. What he said, when Spandam asked what drove him, was as cryptic as he is currently portrayed as a character. He said something along the lines of: “Blood, perhaps. And since we are in CP9, we are allowed to kill.”

Doesn’t that “perhaps” somehow make you think? He isn’t sure about his drive himself! He knows the outcome his actions are aiming at – a certain kind of peace and the protection of innocent people. But what his actual drive is, even he cannot say. And many people are overlooking that small detail of information that is lying there hidden in that one sentence.

No, Lucci is not bad or sadistic. He is only dutifully following orders and doing his missions. His motto of “Necessary evil” can even be seen as a rather sad way of thinking. I translate it as follows: A few individuals have to do bad things/sacrifice something for trhe prosperity/safety of everyone else. Which brings us back to Egghead and the way Oda will handle/develop the character and his childhood background there.

The only times he was actually seeking blood, is when he was confronted by his enemies and made room for his hedonistic tendencies to face them in battle. Because Lucci loves fighting and gets that creepy grin when he perceives a battle coming his way.

Other than that, Lucci’s aim is to protect innocent people (Lucci telling Iceberg to tell them the location of the blueprints, before even more people get hurt) and make sure that those citizens are not in any way threatened by pirates (CP9 coverstory, Vivi).

So, him joining the SHP as a good guy is indeed very possible, I would even say `certain´ at this point.

Now imagine Vivi and Lucci meeting again. How would it look and go? They would – or at least Vivi – antagonize the other immediately. I also think she could outrageously ask Luffy, if he was certain in making Lucci a crew member, because he was one of the bad guys (from WG) that killed her father.

And look how disgusted she already is about Lucci’s way of justice. She despises it.

By the way, didn’t Vivi tell her father in chapter 439 that she will trust Luffy with who he will let him join as a crew-mate? (This chapter came out right when Robin joined – Vivi had no problem with her, even if she did all those things under Crocodile. But I wonder what she would say if she came abroad the Sunny to find Lucci of all people there… .)?

But what is also certain is that she will also need the SHP (including pigeon guy) to help her, just as I was saying above. Also, Lucci is already protecting her. And that alone could also be a reference towards Vivi’s and Lucci’s upcoming time together on the Sunny – him protecting her during their adventures. And with Imu pursuing Vivi in one way or another, Lucci will have his hands full and Vivi will actually need the unwanted help from pigeon guy.

By the way – I can well imagine Vivi looking up at Lucci and recognizing her father in him – he just looks like Cobra, anyway, but younger. And then she will be reminded of the last wish her father had for her – to get married. (Note: The last part is highly speculative)