Gorosei Informer

Just spent 30 minutes at the McDonalds drive through
Maybe @MonsterZoro was infront of you :milaugh:

Was there a Telsa infront of you? :watchout:

A long line of cars is waiting at the McDonald's drive-through. The camera pans to @MonsterZoro, a goofy and enthusiastic character, sitting in his Tesla with the window rolled down.

MONSTERZORO (to himself) Ah, time to satisfy this monster appetite! Let's order up some grub!
MonsterZoro presses the intercom button.

INTERCOM Welcome to McDonald's! How can I take your order?

MONSTERZORO (smiling) Oh, I've got quite the order for you. Brace yourself!

INTERCOM Go ahead, sir. We're ready.

MONSTERZORO (in a rapid-fire manner) Alright, here it goes! I'll have two dozen Big Macs, a mountain of Chicken McNuggets, a skyscraper-sized Filet-O-Fish, a French fry fortress, a garden of salads, a river of milkshakes, and a sea of McFlurries!

INTERCOM (overwhelmed) Um... Sir, that's an enormous order. Could you repeat that, please?

MONSTERZORO (laughing) Sure thing! Let's try this again. I'll take a dozen quarter pounders with cheese, a herd of McChicken sandwiches, a battalion of breakfast burritos, a squadron of apple pies, and a fleet of Happy Meals!

INTERCOM (stuttering) Sir, that's quite an order. We may need a little more time to prepare it all. Can you please pull forward?

MonsterZoro's Tesla moves forward, causing the line of cars behind him to groan.

MR RELOADED (infamous betrayer extraordinaire) (irritated) Come on, MonsterZoro! Some of us have places to be!

MONSTERZORO (apologetic) Sorry, Mr Reloaded! I'm just a bit hungry today!
MR RELOADED (sarcastically) Oh, I can see that! Feeding the whole neighborhood, are we?

MonsterZoro looks sheepish as he glances at the line of impatient drivers behind him.

INTERCOM (slightly annoyed) Sir, we're still processing your order. Please remain in the drive-through lane.

MONSTERZORO (sincerely) I promise I'll make it up to everyone! Just wait until you see the feast I'm about to devour!

The line of cars behind MonsterZoro grows longer, filled with frustrated and hungry customers.

Later, MonsterZoro finally receives his order, a mountain of food that barely fits in his car.

MONSTERZORO (excited) Yes! The feast of champions is here! Sorry for the wait, everyone!

The drivers behind him roll their eyes and let out a collective sigh.

MONSTERZORO (to himself) Time to dig in and unleash the monster within!

MonsterZoro drives away, leaving behind a trail of hungry and amused customers.


Mr. Reloaded

World's worst Mafia player
A long line of cars is waiting at the McDonald's drive-through. The camera pans to @MonsterZoro, a goofy and enthusiastic character, sitting in his Tesla with the window rolled down.

MONSTERZORO (to himself) Ah, time to satisfy this monster appetite! Let's order up some grub!
MonsterZoro presses the intercom button.

INTERCOM Welcome to McDonald's! How can I take your order?

MONSTERZORO (smiling) Oh, I've got quite the order for you. Brace yourself!

INTERCOM Go ahead, sir. We're ready.

MONSTERZORO (in a rapid-fire manner) Alright, here it goes! I'll have two dozen Big Macs, a mountain of Chicken McNuggets, a skyscraper-sized Filet-O-Fish, a French fry fortress, a garden of salads, a river of milkshakes, and a sea of McFlurries!

INTERCOM (overwhelmed) Um... Sir, that's an enormous order. Could you repeat that, please?

MONSTERZORO (laughing) Sure thing! Let's try this again. I'll take a dozen quarter pounders with cheese, a herd of McChicken sandwiches, a battalion of breakfast burritos, a squadron of apple pies, and a fleet of Happy Meals!

INTERCOM (stuttering) Sir, that's quite an order. We may need a little more time to prepare it all. Can you please pull forward?

MonsterZoro's Tesla moves forward, causing the line of cars behind him to groan.

MR RELOADED (infamous betrayer extraordinaire) (irritated) Come on, MonsterZoro! Some of us have places to be!

MONSTERZORO (apologetic) Sorry, Mr Reloaded! I'm just a bit hungry today!
MR RELOADED (sarcastically) Oh, I can see that! Feeding the whole neighborhood, are we?

MonsterZoro looks sheepish as he glances at the line of impatient drivers behind him.

INTERCOM (slightly annoyed) Sir, we're still processing your order. Please remain in the drive-through lane.

MONSTERZORO (sincerely) I promise I'll make it up to everyone! Just wait until you see the feast I'm about to devour!

The line of cars behind MonsterZoro grows longer, filled with frustrated and hungry customers.

Later, MonsterZoro finally receives his order, a mountain of food that barely fits in his car.

MONSTERZORO (excited) Yes! The feast of champions is here! Sorry for the wait, everyone!

The drivers behind him roll their eyes and let out a collective sigh.

MONSTERZORO (to himself) Time to dig in and unleash the monster within!

MonsterZoro drives away, leaving behind a trail of hungry and amused customers.


Gorosei Informer

Im glad you liked it man! i made a sequel focusing on you too LOL!

@Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier cameos too!

Once upon a comically chaotic day in the city, Mr Reloaded, annoyed by the long 30-minute delay caused by MonsterZoro's extensive McDonald's order, decided to take matters into his own hands. He pulled out his trusty phone and dialed the number for MonsterZoro's Tesla supplier, hoping to gather some information about the car.

Meanwhile, TDA, always the unlucky target of MonsterZoro's relentless antics, happened to cross paths with Mr Reloaded. Seeing an opportunity for mischief, Mr Reloaded quickly filled TDA in on his plan to sabotage MonsterZoro's Tesla. TDA, tired of being the butt of MonsterZoro's jokes, eagerly agreed to assist.

Together, they devised a diabolical plan to mess with the Tesla. They snuck around, trying to find the perfect moment to strike. However, MonsterZoro seemed to have a sixth sense for trouble and spotted them from afar.

MonsterZoro, resembling an angry seagull, squawked and squawked, flapping his arms and giving chase to Mr Reloaded and TDA. The comedic chase took them through the busy streets, with MonsterZoro's absurdly persistent pursuit leaving bystanders amused and bewildered.

Finally, they reached the Tesla, where MonsterZoro's pride and joy awaited. Just as Mr Reloaded and TDA tried to put their sabotage plan into action, they were taken aback by the car's unexpected features.

The Tesla's Conquerors Haki Engine, a technology not even the duo had anticipated, gave off an intimidating aura that halted their progress. The Germa Exoskeleton, equipped within the car, flexed with robotic precision, making it nearly impossible for Mr Reloaded and TDA to even touch the vehicle.

To add insult to injury, as they attempted to flee, MonsterZoro's Tesla unleashed Blue Flames Nitro, aptly named "Ifrit Nitro," propelling the car forward with an explosive burst of speed. It left Mr Reloaded and TDA standing there, dazed and confused, their sabotage plot hilariously thwarted.

MonsterZoro, now catching up to them, couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight of their defeated faces. His relentless pursuit had finally paid off, and he had successfully defended his beloved Tesla.