Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1085 Spoilers Discussion

Who's the final villain?

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Gorosei Informer

the world government is looking unbelievably incompetent rn

how tf do you rule the world for 800 years when the moment your base is attacked your admirals, gorosei, holy knight, and fucking god king do literally fuck all
They let Nika fruit go uncaptured for 800 years then Shanks stole it from them easily when they had it, only having semi fodders at best guarding it and now Shanks is bargaining and snitching to them. What a man you are Goda.
I've already explained last Month that Ancient Kingdom has nothing to do with D.
D. are basically people who were modified by Scientist "Willie Gallon" to Host Powers of Story's Final Secondary Villain

Basically, similar to how Caesar created Smile Army for Kaidou (Army of Beasts for Man known as King of Beasts)
And He also modified Children who gained similar Qualities to Big Mom (Second Monster of Wano Saga)

Willie Gallon created Sea Kings Army for Story's Main Villain (Army of Sea Kings for Villain known as Sea God)
And He also modified certain People to gain similar Qualities to Final Secondary Villain (Sea Devil, similar to what Oars was for Moria)
Those People became known as D. Family

And that's why Nefertari Lili disappeared, it's no different than Disappearance of Mocha for example, Willie Gallon took her.
And just like Momo ended up with Punk Hazard Kids by Mistake, there is a Man who ended up gaining D. Name but wasn't modified like them

Who is Momo? Leader of Rebellion against Kaidou & One who replaced him (Both have same DF)
So Outsider D. is none other than Leader of All Rebels & Man who is meant to replace Sea God (Both have same Power which is Storms)

That's Monkey D. Dragon
So either Dragon is not from "Monkey D." Family or entire Monkey Family isn't from D. at all
Logias do affect the weather but that just sounds too drastic and sudden
We can see something rise into the sky the moment Vivi screams, also Crocodile wouldn't need Dance Powder if thats the case
It's just the most logical option.. Dance Powder is to make it rain right..

So What you really believe Vivi split the sky there?..

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
If we actually had 10 years left, I'd legit drop One Piece. I'm not dealing with another 10 years of this BS regardless of what I'm waiting for or why I still follow OP.
You say that...

I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself if this series ends.

The moment One Piece ends, we'll still want more, I guarantee it, LOL.

I know what you mean, though. 10 more years of breaks and baiting sounds like hell.
The Fairy Tail things been growing. Especially with the Holy Knights thing. I’m struggling to stay interested
Don't see how that is a FT thing .
Having a new powerful group is a shonen thing plus did people really think the CD won't have there own high level people .
There the riches and most powerful group in the world and have there own forces , weapons etc etc ,
Mihawk moved from the breaking ice, if you want people that run like little bitches and vent out against nameless pirates look no further than the Admirals, they start shit and then run when they can't beat injured people. :goyea:
man that movie fight is really crazy

so anyway, Mihawk ran away from Vista
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