Zoro vs Sanji discussions are the absolute worst versus discussion on the planet. The worst thing about it is that you can be anywhere, even in places where neither Zoro or Sanji should make an appearance, yet you will still find them. Yonko vs Admiral mostly occurs on relevant threads.
As for my own personal experience regarding each of the four fandoms absolute worst:
I) The absolute worst Zoro fans over exaggerate pretty much everything, whether it be how hard Sanji fails, how unimaginably awesome/epic/incredible/sexy Zoro is and they just straight up insult you. I have had everything from my genetic lineage to my reading comprehension insulted by Zoro fans.
II) The Sanji fandom at it’s absolute worst produces something far worse than any Zoro fan could ever objectively be compared to.
Self pitying, woe is me, victim complexes.
Zoro fans can tank as much shite as they can throw (which is respectable) but the absolute worst Sanji fans? They will throw shade and thinly veiled low tier bait and then cry when someone dares to bite, which is actually what they want in the first place so that they can then bitch about it and complain about how much of a victim they are.
Out of the four fandoms at their worst that I have dealt with, it is the Sanji fans that produce the most insufferable posters.
III) Yonko fans at their absolute worst rely on logical fallacies, contradictory logic and disingenuous arguments. However, they are not really all that toxic, just completely lacking in logic either genuinely or in an attempt to avoid superior arguments.
IV) The worst thing an Admiral fan will usually do to you is meme you... and then themselves... and then everyone else, cause honestly, the Admiral fandom is the one that is most self aware and has the best sense of humor. Best users, good posts and all round great sense of humour. I have never had a bad day because of an Admiral Tard.
Am I biased? Maybe but perhaps there is a reason why an individual whose favourite character is a Yonko, who used to defend Linlin and who used to believe Yonko >> Admirals (and Shanks >> Mihawk for those saucy sword bois) is now running with the Admiral crowd. :kizabat: