Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1085 Spoilers Discussion

Who's the final villain?

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fujitora with bandages was shown a week later after the reverie,protecting the slaves, not using his fruit, also gb was shown like a month later
Bro the weevil thing happened like just few days after reverie. Thats the same time frame where fuji was shown with bandage.

The GB/weevil chapter was shown later but it doesn't mean it happened much later. It was in the same time frame as fuji leaving on ship after reverie
Luffys the sun god Nika, a god of freedom and the greatest enemy to the world government. Luffy grew up believing the celestial dragons are the opposite of his dream. And now Imu just killed the fathers of one of his closest friends.

Blackbeards just another pirate Luffy needs to beat to complete his dream. Imu is a force that’s opposed to the ideals of Luffys dream and character.

Which one is the most likely final villain?
I don't disagree but it's a valid question to ask why Imu holds the notion of an empty throne up instead of declaring to the entire world that a sole reigning leader is there that rules the world with an iron fist as pretty much every shounen FV has done so before him.
Idk, maybe he lost his actual body when fighting Joyboy and is still too weakened to confirm his position to the world? We'll see why Imu acts from the shadows but I'm sure he is just waiting for an opportunity. Maybe he is even waiting for the next Joyboy or for the 3 ancient weapons.
I am open to other possibilities, its just that the manga literally tells you Blackbeard wont be the one find One Piece and start a war with the WG. This comes from WBs own mouth.

Also....think about this logically. We are heading towards Lodestar/Laugh Tale. The MCs ambition is becoming PK. The other candidates have to lose in order for this to happen. Mariejois and the FI Prophecy are half a world away in the other direction.
Yeah but we should not give for granted that there will be another war after finding the One Piece. Laugh Tale can be a battflefield in the same time Marejois is. Thats why Luffy could be in Laugh Tale fighting Teach while Dragon and Sabo are in Marejois fighting Imu and Akainu,for example.
Idk, maybe he lost his actual body when fighting Joyboy and is still too weakened to confirm his position to the world? We'll see why Imu acts from the shadows but I'm sure he is just waiting for an opportunity. Maybe he is even waiting for the next Joyboy or for the 3 ancient weapons.
Easy answer is the same as in our world. Make the Kings think they have any rights and that their voice matters because it's easier to control someone when they don't even know you exist.
Yeah but we should not give for granted that there will be another war after finding the One Piece. Laugh Tale can be a battflefield in the same time Marejois is. Thats why Luffy could be in Laugh Tale fighting Teach while Dragon and Sabo are in Marejois fighting Imu and Akainu,for example.
Thats....literally not how this works. Please reread Oden's flashback and WBs death speach.

FINDING One Piece is the catalyst for the big war. Doing something about the WG is central to this. Sharly saw Luffy destroying Fishman island, which means he need to be present in the area for this to happen.
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