One Piece - Chapter 1085: The death of Nefertari Cobra

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-one of the Gorosei, presumably blondie, since he noticed the attack, leapt up to protect Imu
-the next page is clearly symbolic and not reflective of how everyone is actually positioned.
These are both just pure assumptions instead of just looking at the pages lol

And no nobody jumped in front of Imu guys.....

You can see all 5 are covered in fire, then the flame goes past them to Imu. Imu then eats the flame, you can see the same eye pattern in both panels lol.

Garp the Fist

These are both just pure assumptions instead of just looking at the pages lol

And no nobody jumped in front of Imu guys.....

You can see all 5 are covered in fire, then the flame goes past them to Imu. Imu then eats the flame, you can see the same eye pattern in both panels lol.

That is clearly symbolic of fleeing the aura/presence of the figures. Look at how the bottom of them wavers and none of them have any legs.