Gorosei Informer

Shanks probably Wi Fi’d Kaido

I wrote Akainu vs Kaido and I made Akainu win after extreme diff, because it was my headcanon ages ago that Akainu gave Kaido his scar and was the one to capture Kaido (Kaido would get much stronger though after breaking free and thus so would Akainu ofc):

In a clash that reverberated throughout the world, the unstoppable force of Kaido, the "Strongest Creature in the World," collided with the indomitable magma power of Akainu, Fleet Admiral of the Marines. The clash of their titanic strength sent shockwaves tearing through the battlefield, as their awakened abilities transformed the surroundings into a chaotic maelstrom of destruction.

Akainu: Kaido, your reign ends here! Feel the fury of justice!

Kaido: (grinning) Admirals come and go, but I remain unyielding! Prepare to witness my true power, Akainu!

[The ground quakes as Kaido's monstrous form looms, while Akainu surrounds himself with an intense aura of seething magma.]

Akainu: Magma Purgatory!

[Streams of molten magma burst forth from Akainu, hurtling towards Kaido with unstoppable force. Kaido, demonstrating his monstrous resilience, braces himself and counters with a massive swing of his gargantuan club.]

Kaido: Thunderous Onslaught!

[The clash of attacks sends shockwaves that tear through the surrounding landscape. Kaido's club cracks through the magma onslaught, causing molten rocks to scatter in every direction.]

Akainu: Impressive, Kaido! But I won't be so easily defeated!

[With a surge of power, Akainu's awakened abilities come to the forefront. The ground beneath him transforms into an infernal landscape, intensifying the heat and power of his magma.]

Akainu: Hell's Crucible!

[Akainu charges at Kaido with incredible speed, his fists wreathed in searing magma. Kaido, undeterred, transforms into his fearsome dragon form and clashes with Akainu, unleashing a barrage of ferocious strikes.]

Kaido: (roaring) Dragon's Fury!

[The battlefield is consumed by their titanic clash, the heavens themselves seemingly cracking under the strain. The clash intensifies, as Akainu's magma engulfs Kaido's dragon form, creating a cataclysmic explosion.]

Akainu: (breathing heavily) Is that all you've got, Kaido? You're no match for the Marines!

Kaido: (smirking) Admirals... always full of surprises. But I am the indomitable Kaido!

[With a surge of determination, Kaido unleashes his awakened abilities, summoning a devastating storm of thunder and lightning.]

Kaido: Heavenly Wrath!

[The skies darken as bolts of lightning rain down upon Akainu, his magma body withstanding the onslaught. The intense battle wages on, each combatant pushing themselves to their limits.]

Akainu: (grinning) Kaido, your arrogance will be your downfall!

[With a mighty surge of magma, Akainu delivers a powerful blow that pierces through Kaido's defenses, leaving a deep scar across his chest.]

Akainu: (smirking) A reminder of the Marine's justice.

Kaido: (gritting his teeth) You've... wounded me, Akainu. But I won't fall so easily!

[Despite his injuries, Kaido refuses to yield, unleashing a final surge of power. The clash reaches its climax, as the sheer intensity of their attacks threatens to shatter reality itself.]

Akainu: (gritting his teeth) This ends now!

[With a final surge of magma, Akainu delivers a devastating blow that sends Kaido crashing to the ground, defeated but unbowed.]

Akainu: The Marines prevail, as justice demands. Your reign of terror ends here, Kaido!

[Kaido, bloodied and battered, acknowledges his defeat with a begrudging respect.]

Kaido: (grinning) You... truly live up to your reputation, Akainu. But remember, the world will always be a chaotic place.

[As the battle comes to a close, Akainu stands triumphant, having defeated the seemingly invincible Kaido. The scars of their epic clash will forever be etched into the history of the world.]

Gorosei Informer

We don’t see Kaido after their encounter and Shanks is the one that shows up with no damage.

Not looking good for drunk Mongolian lizard fans….


This gives me an idea @MonsterKaido Worororo!

In the scorching heat of the Gobi Desert, a slightly intoxicated EmperorKinyagi stumbled through the vast expanse of sand. As he wandered, his imagination began to play tricks on him, transforming the ordinary lizards he encountered into mini Kaidos.

EmperorKinyagi: (squinting) What's that? Kaido? Here, in the desert?

[He rubs his eyes and takes another swig from his flask, his mind further intoxicated by the desert heat.]

EmperorKinyagi: WORORORO! Look at all these Kaidos! They must have followed me from the New World!

[He giggles to himself, pointing at a tiny lizard scurrying across the sand.]

EmperorKinyagi: You there! Kaido Jr.! Don't you dare underestimate the might of the Emperor!

[The lizard, oblivious to EmperorKinyagi's drunken ramblings, continues on its way, leaving him chuckling to himself.]

EmperorKinyagi: But wait... what's that over there? It's... Kaidoyagi!

[His eyes widen as he spots a particularly large lizard, its muscles bulging and its eyes fierce.]

EmperorKinyagi: Kaidoyagi, my loyal companion! Let's conquer the Grand Line together!

[He raises his flask in a toast to the imaginary Kaidoyagi, who responds with a stoic lizard stare.]

EmperorKinyagi: WORORORO! You're a formidable creature, Kaidoyagi! We shall rule the world with our unmatched strength!

[As EmperorKinyagi continues his imaginary adventure, the real lizards scuttle away, unimpressed by the Emperor's antics. Meanwhile, EmperorKinyagi carries on, his laughter echoing through the desert.]

I need to write a fanfic where we actually got Kaido in his fish form as Koido and becoming the Kaido we know now though Celestial Ascension/Awakening as some of us hoped/theorised for too.
We don’t see Kaido after their encounter and Shanks is the one that shows up with no damage.

Not looking good for drunk Mongolian lizard fans….
Not looking good... only for those that can't read. Kaido fought Shanks and still viewed Oden as the benchmark to surpass and believed no one alive could beat him.
A 10 v 2 fight with Kaido and King leaving the fight without a scratch and absolutely bored is nothing to brag about.
Not looking good... only for those that can't read. Kaido fought Shanks and still viewed Oden as the benchmark to surpass and believed no one alive could beat him.
A 10 v 2 fight with Kaido and King leaving the fight without a scratch and absolutely bored is nothing to brag about.
Not looking good… for those who make up shit in their head.

Where are Kaido and King shown not damaged after their fight.

This gives me an idea @MonsterKaido Worororo!

In the scorching heat of the Gobi Desert, a slightly intoxicated EmperorKinyagi stumbled through the vast expanse of sand. As he wandered, his imagination began to play tricks on him, transforming the ordinary lizards he encountered into mini Kaidos.

EmperorKinyagi: (squinting) What's that? Kaido? Here, in the desert?

[He rubs his eyes and takes another swig from his flask, his mind further intoxicated by the desert heat.]

EmperorKinyagi: WORORORO! Look at all these Kaidos! They must have followed me from the New World!

[He giggles to himself, pointing at a tiny lizard scurrying across the sand.]

EmperorKinyagi: You there! Kaido Jr.! Don't you dare underestimate the might of the Emperor!

[The lizard, oblivious to EmperorKinyagi's drunken ramblings, continues on its way, leaving him chuckling to himself.]

EmperorKinyagi: But wait... what's that over there? It's... Kaidoyagi!

[His eyes widen as he spots a particularly large lizard, its muscles bulging and its eyes fierce.]

EmperorKinyagi: Kaidoyagi, my loyal companion! Let's conquer the Grand Line together!

[He raises his flask in a toast to the imaginary Kaidoyagi, who responds with a stoic lizard stare.]

EmperorKinyagi: WORORORO! You're a formidable creature, Kaidoyagi! We shall rule the world with our unmatched strength!

[As EmperorKinyagi continues his imaginary adventure, the real lizards scuttle away, unimpressed by the Emperor's antics. Meanwhile, EmperorKinyagi carries on, his laughter echoing through the desert.]

I need to write a fanfic where we actually got Kaido in his fish form as Koido and becoming the Kaido we know now though Celestial Ascension/Awakening as some of us hoped/theorised for too.
Not looking good… for those who make up shit in their head.

Where are Kaido and King shown not damaged after their fight.
You're one of those dirt marks=damaji guys? That's the best the RHP could do because we know that Kaido only had odens scar before Zoro and King was pure and undefeated before...Zoro.
I didn't want to make this about Zoro... Oda needs to stop giving him all the feats. :zorothink: